ty dot phrase fall

HPI, PE, A/P, procedure, billing code.) Patient denies any tactile, auditor or visual hallucinations, AAOx3_. Will obtain CT imaging to rule out intracranial injury or skull fracture. Last updated on Aug 3, 2022 12 min read This is a _ y/o _ patient with history of heart failure, presenting with likely acute decompensated heart failure causing volume overload and pulmonary edema_. Home Care Instructions for Patients with Mild Respiratory Infection. Presentation not consistent with acute respiratory etiologies to include acute PE (Wells low risk), pneumothorax , asthma, COPD exacerbation, allergic etiologies, or infectious etiologies such as PNA. Please read in detail and delete what is not relevant. There was no loss of consciousness, confusion, seizure, or memory impairment. Will swab for SARS-nCoV-19, place in enhanced precautions, admit to medicine. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. No evidence of anemia. However, due to concern for an occult scaphoid fracture, the patient was placed in a thumb spica splint and instructed to follow up with their PCP for repeat exam and radiography in 10-14 days. Treatment You were seen today in the emergency department for palpitations. Patient discharged home and will follow up with dentist. The patient ___ does not take blood thinner medications. If youve been exposed to a known confirmed COVID-19 case, you would be investigated and tracked/monitored by the local Department of Public Health. Follow up with PMD this week. Uncategorized. _ patient with a vesicular rash on an erythematous base in a dermatomal pattern consistent with herpes zoster. Patient given ipratropium, albuterol, solumedrol here with improvement of symptoms. Patient treated with benzos here and alcohol withdrawal resolved on time of discharge, patient plans to continue drinking_/ patient plans to start rehab at inpatient facility_. Vision is unilateral with no other focal neuro deficits so doubt stroke, patient exam and history make retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, posterior vitreous detachment lower on differential. Stay home for at least 24 hours after your symptoms have gone away without the use of fever-reducing medicines. Patient taken to cath lab. Travel insurance generally does not cover cancellations due to concerns of infectious disease outbreaks. No seatbelt signs or abdominal ecchymosis to indicate concern for serious trauma to the thorax or abdomen. The name fall was commonly used in England until about the end of the 1600s, when it was ousted by autumn. Low suspicion for alternate etiology of rash such as SJS, drug rash, viral exanthem, or other emergent cause of rash. We need you! Low suspicion for kidney stone or infected stone. It is best to call ahead of time to discuss your symptoms, if possible. Patient pain was controlled and patient discharged with ortho follow up. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Patient's neurological exam was non-focal and unremarkable. The Pt is otherwise neurovascularly intact without evidence of compartment syndrome or hemodynamic instability. If you are elderly, pregnant, have a weak immune system, or other medical problems, call your doctor right away. No change in voice, exudates, enlarged lymph nodes. Given patient had increased IOP and concerning ocular exam likely cause is acute angle closure glaucoma. No evidence of surgical abdomen or other acute medical emergency including bowel obstruction, viscus perforation, vascular catastrophe, atypical appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, UGIB, thyrotoxicosis, or diverticulitis at this time. Doubt antibiotic associated diarrhea. Patient offered transferred to rehab facility but declined. Because of how air circulates and is filtered on airplanes, most viruses do not spread easily on airplanes. Throw used tissues in a lined trash can; immediately wash your hands. On this particular day (below), we put them in the tree shaped box from the Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe. This pediatric patient presents with head trauma. Presentation not consistent with acute thoracic aortic dissection. Patient presents with nontraumatic painful, unilateral vision loss for which the initial differential is optic neuritis, temporal arteritis, acute angle closure glaucoma, endophthalmitis, and uveitis. Patient given fluids and ceftriaxone. Presentation not consistent with malignancy (lack of history of malignancy, lack of B symptoms), fracture (no trauma, no bony tenderness to palpation), cauda equina (no bowel or urinary incontinence/retention, no saddle anesthesia, no distal weakness), AAA, viscus perforation, osteomyelitis or epidural abscess (no IVDU, vertebral tenderness), renal colic, pyelonephritis (afebrile, no CVAT, no urinary symptoms). This patient presents with symptoms concerning for an acute upper GI bleed. No evidence of acute ACS complications including cardiogenic shock (2/2 muscle loss or valvular rupture), tachydysrhythmia or electrical conduction disturbance. Cautious return precautions discussed with full understanding. Patient to be discharged home with keflex with follow up with their PMD. Homely phrase implies that year dot was by then well-known, at least in the writer's experience. Abdominal exam without peritoneal signs. Patient with no signs of heart failure. Patient appropriate for discharge with outpatient follow-up and ___ for pain. HEART score:_ so plan to admit patient for risk stratification_; discharge patient home with PMD follow up__. No history of discharge so less likely bacterial or viral conjunctivitis. As long as it is in place you can expect some degree of pain as well as blood in your urine. Considered other etiologies but given history, exam and workup have low suspicion for cauda equina, infectious etiology (pyelonephritis or cystitis), constipation induced retention, intraabdominal mass, trauma, nephrolithiasis, urolithiasis, drug reaction. There is no indication for emergent dialysis as patient is mentating normally with normal electrolytes and no hypoxemia from pulmonary edema. Plan: bHCG, +/- basic labs, type and screen, TVUS, reassess. This patient presents with initial presentation of local erythema, warmth, swelling concerning for cellulitis. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); presenting after a fall that occurred just prior to arrival, resulting in injury to the ___. Approximate downtime prior to compressions: _. This pediatric patient presents with a history concerning for a serious intracranial injury. An excellent, and more complete, list of dot phrases by a fellow co-resident. Patient presents with urinary retention for _ days. Nontoxic appearance. Given clinical picture have low suspicion for thyroid storm, malignant hyperthermia, serotonin syndrome, anticholinergic toxicity, NMS, sepsis, hypothyroidism. Given the H&P, I suspect this patient is suicidal/homicidal/gravely disabled_ and patient was placed on 5150. Most EHRs have this capability, both for organization-level and individual user-created content. Defer ABX for dental pain alone with no overt evidence of infection_. This _ patient presents subacutely after a motor vehicle accident with _ pain. The patient did not respond to nail bed stimuli. Patient given temperazing measures of calcium gluconate, bicarb, insulin, as well as lasix and lokelma_ to reduce potassium level. Patient presents for dental pain due to suspected dental cary. Depending on the medical condition, each subject may have multiple dot phrases or templates for each section of the progress note (i.e. Given the clinical picture, no indication for imaging at this time. This patient presents with chest pain and an EKG showing _ STEMI or STEMI equivalent (Wellens, de Winters, Sgarbossa criteria)_. ); the presence of associated neurologic symptoms, nausea, jaw claudication; recent trauma, dental surgery, sinusitis symptoms; exacerbating (stress, fatigue, menses, exercise) and alleviating factors (rest, medicines); past history of headache; family history of migraines . Stay home when you are sick Less likely to represent acute pancreatitis (neg lipase), PUD (including gastric perforation), acute infectious processes (pneumonia, hepatitis, pyelonephritis), atypical appendicitis, vascular catastrophe, bowel obstruction or viscus perforation, or acute coronary syndrome. Considered alternate etiologies of the patients symptoms including infectious processes, severe metabolic derangements or electrolyte abnormalities, ischemia/ACS, heart failure, and intracranial/central processes but think these are unlikely given the history and physical exam. Alternative etiologies I considered include cardiac (ACS, valvular disease, arrhythmia, myocarditis/endocarditis, dissection) however given unremarkable trop, ekg, cardiac exam have low suspicion. Patient admitted to medicine for further work up and possible initiation of hemodialysis. History, physical, and work up with low suspicion for temporal arteritis, optic neuritis, complex migraine, or stroke. OK to Book Note. SharePoint. For example ".LBP" might pull in a block of text related to low back pain. This is a _ with RLQ pain, most concerning for _. Abdominal exam without peritoneal signs. Safe ride home was arranged with __. Some EHRs, like Epic, allow clinicians to share their smartphrases. This patient presents with symptoms concerning for viral syndrome including flu and SARS-nCoV-2019. This patient presents with symptoms most consistent with an acute COPD exacerbation. Patient requires admission for their symptoms given ***_. Exam without evidence of volume overload so doubt heart failure. Psychiatry Referral Update (9/3/19) Referral Guidelines. GI Bleed Note. The mechanism is of low energy. Well appearing. If it passes, you have a patent airway. Attempt to pass a suction catheter. Others, like Cerner, are a bit more restrictive and require users to obtain . Other items on the differential include dissection, AMI, hypoglycemia or other metabolic derangement such as hepatic/uremic encephalopathy, medication side effect, or post-ictal Todd's paralysis. Stay home from work or school when they are sick. This well-appearing child presents with fever, likely secondary to a urinary source vs viral syndrome. Patient given temperazing measures of insulin, as well as lasix and lokelma_ to reduce potassium level. However, given the current history & physical, including current lab values, the current presentation is consistent with acute, asymptomatic hyperglycemia with no signs of DKA or HHS. Patient given empiric vanc, cipro, flagyl_. It's easy to get started with dot phrases. Patient is hypertensive here. Should situations change rapidly in a foreign country while they are traveling, you could be subject to quarantine or restrictions upon return to the United States. Patient given antibiotics, hematology was consulted and patient was admitted _. Dizziness - low risk peripheral vertigo MDM, Renal failure / electrolyte abnormalities, This page was last edited 20:26, 9 October 2022 by, MDM for different chief complaints (peds), https://www.wikem.org/w/index.php?title=MDM_for_different_chief_complaints&oldid=366662, If male add _no signs of testicular torsion. These include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Patient was loaded with Keppra [] in the ED and discharged with a prescription for Nayzilam []. To reduce the chance of getting sick use general infection prevention measures such as hand washing, covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze and discarding any tissues carefully, and staying home when you are sick. Area extensively irrigated with sterile normal saline under pressure. Ddx includes allergic reaction vs. preseptal cellulitis. -Denies HCW status Patient discharged with nasal gel. Patient is Rho + so Rho gam is not indicated_, Rho - so Rho gam was given_. Presentation most consistent with diabetic foot infection. No airway swelling, wheezing, vomiting/diarrhea, or tachycardia/hypotension to suggest anaphylaxis. Patient given zofran and tolerated PO here. Work through the beginner typing lessons for about 30 minutes each day, five days a week to become a fast, accurate and confident touch typist. This patient presents with generalized weakness and fatigue likely secondary to dehydration. These abbreviations start with a "." or a dot, and are then followed by a short phrase that stands for something longer. Considered possible causes of DKA to include infection (intrabdominal infection, UTI, pneumonia), infarction / ischemia (acute coronary syndrome, cerebral vascular accident, pulmonary embolism), medication non-compliance with insulin therapy, illicit substance abuse, iatrogenic (including prescription medications and drug-drug interactions), idiopathic causes. Given history and story considered but low risk for aortic dissection, pneumonia, or PE. Pain treated in ED with ____. MDM. CT head and CTA head and neck ordered and shows _. Neurology consulted and MRI ordered which shows _. The patient ___ does not take blood thinner medications. Should people telecommute? Presentation not consistent with an acute CNS infection, vertebral basilar artery insufficiency, cerebellar hemorrhage or infarction, intracranial mass or bleed. No urticarial rash to suggest allergic reaction. Return precautions given. Initial Rhythm: _, ROSC was achieved and patient was transported to hospital but in route patient rearrested. In fact, the total size of Tydotphrase.wordpress.com main page is 201.8 kB. (Ex: type "yes" to search for a yes/no drop list. Try to stay at least 6 feet from others. Dot phrases a collection of templates that I use across the (seemingly) hundreds of EMRs I use (not medical advice). This _ patient on anticoagulant _not on anticoagulant presents with active epistaxis. Given History and Exam I have low suspicion for this presentation being caused by PTA, RPA, Ludwigs angina, Epiglottitis or Bacterial Tracheitis, EBV, acute HIV, or Strep throat. This patient presents with symptoms concerning for acute CVA versus TIA. Upreg negative so doubt ectopic pregnancy_. Able to tolerate PO. Pelvis without evidence of injury and patient is neurologically intact. Patient admitted for volume overload. Patient likely has allergic conjunctivitis and was prescribed _. Do not merely copy and paste a prewritten note . Per EMS report, patient was found down_, had witnessed arrest_. Primary headaches include tension, migraine, and cluster. Presentation not consistent with a medical emergency at this time. Patient presents with renal failure with uncertain cause but likely due to longstanding DM/HTN_. if pregnant add _ Patient is normotensive with no proteinuria, LFT abnormalities, and no anemia doubt preeclampsia, HELLP. GSW Note. Differential includes simple cystitis, pyelonephritis, epididymitis_. What do you do if you are worried that you have been exposed to COVID-19 but are without any symptoms? Do not handle pets or other animals while you are sick. Given history and exam I have low suspicion for globe rupture, uveitis, HSV keratitis, Endopthalmitist, Foreign Body. Patient was pronounced deceased. Considered and doubt other acute emergent abdominal pathology (appendicitis, biliary pathology, diverticulitis, AAA, genital torsion). This patient who presents with rash for _, consistent with _. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. How To Trade A Shift on HomeBase. Fall-Mechanical-Ground Level HPI. Patient tolerated procedure well and neurovascular exam intact and unchanged post repair with intact distal pulses and cap refill_. Patient with TVUS that showed _. The official Ty site for the newest Beanie Boos, kids' masks, purses, backpacks, and more. Per neuro _. This patient with nausea and vomiting which is likely secondary to benign infectious cause_ cannabis hyperemesis syndrome_ gastroparesis_. Presentation not consistent with other etiologies upper GI bleeding at this time. Considered other etiologies of acute hypoglycemia to include drugs (anti-hyperglycemics, alcohol, beta blockers, ACE-I, APAP) or drug related error (missed meal, incorrect dosing, intentional overdose), systemic illness (sepsis, acute coronary syndrome, renal / hepatic failure, adrenal insufficiency), malignancy, or post-op complications such as Gastric bypass. The Pt was found to have a closed _ fracture on XR. If the headache onset after 50, sudden/severe, focal neuro findings, or patients with cancer or HIV, consider imaging. Place your curser where you want to place the SmartList and click the Add to SmartPhrase button. No evidence of tooth fracture, avulsion, or bleeding socket. Anyone who is sick with a fever and cough should stay home from work until at least 24 hours after resolution of fever, regardless of concerns for COVID-19. Given CBC and BMP results doubt DKA or tumor lysis syndrome. Given patient had pain with eye movement, and positive APD, I have high suspicion for optic neuritis. demyelinating diseases). Useful dotphrases that can be entered in patients' discharge instructions to provide them with resources and information: Naltrexone for AUD: ".ednaltrexone" (discharge instructions for patients receiving either PO or IM Naltrexone complete with follow-up information) Wraparound Project: ".wraparoundDCI" (discharge instructions and . Children younger than age 2 should not be given any over-the-counter cold medications without first speaking with a doctor. Placement was confirmed by direct visualization, equal breath sounds and rise and fall of chest wall, end tidal CO2 monitor, rising O2 saturations, and chest x-ray. Step #1. Denies vomiting, numbness/weakness, fever. Patient not hypervolemic on exam with no history of CHF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, no acute renal failure. Given work up, exam, and history low suspicion for intracranial hemorrhage or trauma, carotid or vertebral artery dissection, intrathoracic trauma (pulmonary contusion, blunt cardiac trauma, pneumothorax, hemothorax, cardiac tamponade, rib fractures), intra abdominal trauma (no liver, spleen, or renal lacerations, doubt hollow viscus injury given soft abdomen on repeat exams, no free air seen, consistently normotensive), extremity fracture, extremity dislocation, compartment syndrome. This result falls beyond the top 1M of websites and identifies a large and not optimized web page that may take ages to load. Begin typing real words and phrases before the end of lesson one. Labs are not consistent with adrenal insufficiency. Given work up, low suspicion for acute hepatobiliary disease (including acute cholecystitis or cholangitis), acute pancreatitis (neg lipase), PUD (including gastric perforation), acute infectious processes (pneumonia, hepatitis, pyelonephritis), acute appendicitis, vascular catastrophe, bowel obstruction, viscus perforation, or testicular torsion, diverticulitis. Your documentation in the medical record should always reflect precisely your specific interaction with an individual patient. Will treat empirically with antibiotics and antihistamines. Presentation not consistent with acute anaphylaxis (lack of pulmonary, dermatologic, cardiovascular or GI symptoms, lack of hypotension or exposure to known allergen), angioedema, serum sickness (no recent drug exposure, lacks fevers, arthralgias). Patient maintained his airway, and metabolized to sobriety and no longer altered. In this video, we've compiled short one-second clips from different movies where characters say the popular phrase "Don't Fall For It". The Pt presents with an acute open _ fracture after _. General Templates . Jumping off point. No evidence of acute abdomen at this time, low suspicion for appendicitis given negative CT scan_. A dotphrase is a colloquial term for a preformed block of text that is inserted using keyboard shortcuts, often preceded by a dot. Patient presents with flank pain and is found to have a kidney stone that is obstructed with signs of infection concerning for infected obstructed kidney stone so Urology was consulted and patient to be taken to OR with urology for stent placement to relieve obstruction. Aaa, genital torsion ), albuterol, solumedrol here with improvement of symptoms not take blood medications. The patient did not respond to nail bed stimuli paste a prewritten.. Air circulates and is filtered on airplanes, most viruses do not handle pets other. 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