suki avatar quotes

Sokka: Uncomfortable? Sokka: They have buildings here that don't melt. Something happened at the North Pole,and I couldn't protect someone. Katara: Is it just me, or is this guy's crown a little crooked? It's taken a hundred years, but the fire nation has conquered Ba Sing Se. Violence wasn't the answer. I didn't ask for the flying and magic Uncle Iroh: [getting a massage] Aahh this is what I've been missing. You showed something beyond that: creativity, versatility, intelligence. The people of the Water Tribes are capable of adapting to many things. Leaving your home to help us? Family tradition, I guess. The warden rhetorically asked if she truly thought that cultivating vegetables would lead to a rebellion, but Suki answered that it was a chance to build a community, and to give them a chance to escape one day. Katara: You're the one whose bag matches his belt. I won't use bloodbending! You might *think* your the greatest Earthbender in the world. Dock: Maybe if you guys are lucky, the Painted Lady will visit you in the night, and heal your friend. We'd rather be taken away by the Fire Nation than travel with those stinking thieves. I'm the second. Hey no problem, Sokka. [Points toward a vast wall that fills the distant horizon] Now it's nothing but smooth sailing to Ba Sing Se. Uncle Iroh: You are going through a metamorphosis, my nephew. Sokka: [after learning that Katara is setting out to get revenge on her mother's killer, only to have Aang tell her to let her rage go] Katara, she was my mother to, but I think Aang may be right Katara: Then you didn't love her the way I did! This is so messed up! What do you think? Prince Zuko: [to Aang] I know you're scared, and I know you're not ready to save the world. Admiral Zhao: I assure you. Katara: The King is having a party at the palace tonight for his pet bear. Suki: You're my prisoner now. Admiral Zhao: I didn't know you were skilled with broadswords, Prince Zuko. Jin Wei? I thought people have been disappearing around here during the full moon. Wait, Senior Assistant manager. Uncle Iroh: Maybe it should be a proverb. Uncle Iroh: Err, that came out wrong, didn't it? Sokka: [thinks he's an earthbender] Take *that*, you rock! There, she sarcastically mused on how she had gotten "so lucky" to be treated with such fine Fire Nation hospitality. Other Media Got it? Sokka: Really? Aang: I don't really want to fight you. Sokka: If I had just cut my losses at the invasion, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. You inheirted my problems, and my mistakes. [a burning pole falls behind them] No fights. Prince Zuko: I would have figured something out! Aang: [Aang grabs his glider as a Fire Nation ship approaches] I'll handle this. Jet: I want you to understand me, Katara. [Both jump at the lemur which runs off]. Old Man: [while Zuko is fighting the bullying soldiers] Give him a left! It's a shame about the lilies though. I helped Gran-Gran deliver lots of babies back home. Suki explained that she provided security and safe passage for refugees to reach Ba Sing Se, while Mingxia expressed her disbelief at Suki having left the island. Sounds like someone's got a case of destination fever. ", Sokka: Stealing is wrong [Sokka hands Katara the scroll]. As combat began, Suki defeated several New Ozai Society militants until being incapacitated by a snare gun. We need to focus on what we're doing right now. I used it to start the campfire last night. Katara: Now that I know he's out there, now that I know we could find him, I feel like I have no choice. Take the tunnel and get to the stolen airship! If you start stirring up trouble, we could lose all the good things that are happening for us. Being part of the group also means being part of group hugs. But it was not his place to speak out. Sokka: Great job with the cloud camo. Let's bring the guy who's constantly trying to kill us! Uncle Iroh: Very well. Don't take it personally. Aang, Toph, stop attacking. Sokka: [At this Sokka stops, standing bolt upright. Toph Beifong: Yeah! Brave soldier boy comes marching home. [Appa licks Pathik] Funny what invisible strings connect us all. And I won't allow you to keep terrorizing this town! They would have believed that! OH! It's energy and life. Aang: It was an accident. [chuckles ruefully] Toph Beifong : You can go ahead and let me drown now. Officer: This is the best tea in the city. Stop. Okay? Our life comes from the Spirit of the Ocean. Fire Lord Ozai: Oh, that's just beautiful. Long Feng: Do it. Toph: I'm beginning to wonder whos' really the blind one around here! I've plotted every move of this day, this glorious day in Fire Nation history, and the only way we win is together. Aang: No problem. Katara: [earlier in the episode, Aunt Wu told Katara that her future husband is a "powerful bender."] I love her! Dock: The painted lady. I don't know what, but I do know why. [Aang assumes his stance] I'm going to roll that boulder down at you. We'll take care of him. Fire Lord Ozai: After generations of Fire Lords failed to find you, now the universe delivers you to me as an act of providence! Aang: [after using the Unagi to put out the fires in Kyoshi] I know. Sokka: Uncomfortable? Aang: No. If he finds out that the Fire Nation invaded his home, he'll be devestated. Fire Lord: I've decided to lead the fleet of airships to Ba Sing Se alone. That's cause you gotta fight the Firelord. But if you don't defeat the Fire Lord before the comet comes, there won't be a world to save anymore. She apologized to Zuko and, while kneeling before the Fire Lord, told him that the Kyoshi Warriors were worried about him and that she, especially, was worried about him as well and reached out for his hand before being interrupted by General Mak.[26]. That doesn't sound like our Kuzon. Even though meat is so tasty. Chit Sang: A prison riot? And it doesn't hurt when the new Fire Lord's your boyfriend. Once they learned that Aang was the Avatar, however, she and the village quickly accepted them as guests. Warden: You! Wan Shi Tong: [to Sokka] If you're going to lie to an all-knowing spirit being, at least put some effort into it. Sokka: Guys, wait! I can fight. Uncle Iroh: [grim] Who would have thought, after all these years, I'd return to the scene of my greatest military disgrace. [she slashes at her hair with scissors, then grins manically]. Sokka: Not really, since you've followed us all over the world. And it was wrong. Young Roku: [Angry] There are no possibilities. Uncle Iroh: Protection and power are overrated. Yes. [Yue kisses Sokka] Okay. Where we're going you won't need any pants! Now, get out. These scams put us all at risk, and we don't need that. Suki was born in a village on Kyoshi Island which maintained strict isolationism, mostly cutting itself off from the rest of the world,[nb 1] even though other villages on the island traded with the Earth Kingdom mainland. Young Roku: [Growing more concerned] Where are you going with this? Sokka: [scared to death] We got into the Fire Nation Great! There's a bit of a problem. Sokka: So where do I get something to eat? If you'd have stayed, you would've been killed along with all the other airbenders. Sokka: Come on, Aang. Prince Zuko: [regretfully] I might as well have. Sokka: [Completely panicking] This isn't the same as delivering an arctic seal! Relationships Aang's just a good friend, a sweet little guy. Sokka: Careful, Suki. Sokka: Are you crazy, Katara? Uncle Iroh: Water is the element of change. Aang: How 'bout some quiet? I know who I am. Sokka: So what kind of trouble is Katara in? Everyone can have a little drink. We've been down this road before, Prince Zuko. Katara: I know. Herbalist: [singsong voice] That's right! Katara: Aang used to come here a long time ago. Sokka: [Sokka is surprised, but quickly recovers] And sometimes they're wrong. She and her fellow warriors then restrained the captured rebels. Aang: Overreacting? I knew that already. Did you do anything interesting on the day of the eclipse? And whatever you do, stay away from the Dai Li! Sokka: Why won't you let us talk to the King? Firebenders lose their bending during a solar eclipse! Bug! Uncle Iroh: Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se. Headmaster: That's what any mother would say, ma'am. And I never should have sent that Fire Nation assasin after you. A group that transcends the divisions of the 4 nations. No! Don't get too upset. Aang: [after the guru has told him to let Katara go] Why would I let go of Katara? Yung: Omashu Resistance Leader: No, we have an extra. Piandao: [after showing Sokka an amazing view over a waterfall. Jeong Jeong: Are you deaf? The Tea shop is yours to do whatever you want. Sokka: What's a Guru? Bato: And for Aang, the mark of the trusted. Guru Pathik: No, Aang! Katara: [Talking about Zuko after he is forced to leave] And what was all that crazy stuff about setting Appa free? I admit it. Katara: Do you remember when we were at the Air Temple and you found Monk Gyatso's skeleton? I *do* understand! Or this tree? The water flows through this creek much like the energy flows through your body. That much is true. What do you plan to do now that you've found the avatar's bison? Aang: Katara is in trouble. But instead she declared the war over. [to Admrial Zhao about his fire bending skills]. Katara: The palace will be packed. Katara: [another huge crack from the ice berg], Katara: NO! Master Pakku: I carved this for your grandmother when we got engaged. Dance! [a badger frog croaks]. Aang: I can't believe we forgot Toph can't write. [Katara throws an acorn at his head] Ow! Aang: [Irritated and the play's portrayal of him] I don't do that. Jeong Jeong's a fire bending genius! So tomorrow, you will make your own sword. Sokka: So, while you guys are playing in the water, I'm supposed to be hard at work picking the mud out of a giant bison's feet? My bending is more powerful than yours, Hama. Sokka: [In a hole] It's so dark down here. Mai: Are you serious? Everything should be perfect, right? Aunt Wu: I didn't need to. One of the most memorable is the phrase "flameo, hotman" which he says a few times. Inside you will meet someone who will guide you on your journey. Telling us what to do. Stupid! Which one of you said that? Katara: It doesn't matter if the painted lady is real or not. After warning him to let go, Suki easily defeated the uncompromising Jojan. So must be good. Shortly before her departure, she was taunted by the Fire Nation princess, who entertained the notion of having Sokka come save her so that she could capture him as well. Toph: [after locking Xin Fu & Master Yu in a steel container] I am the greatest Earthbender in the world! Iroh's Actor: Let's forget about the Avatar and get a massage. You were our fearless leader in the Battle of Garsai. Azula: Well, that's it then. But my plans haven't exactly worked, so this time I'm playing it by ear. Prince Zuko: Uncle, we have a problem. We're surrounded by old people. Toph: [beat] That would make a lot more sense. Aang, Katara, and Toph are unimpressed] . It was such a conflict with your image of yourself that you are now at war within your own mind and body. People have been disappearing in those woods you were camping in. Devastated, the woman unleashed a terrible display of her earthbending power. But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Toph: The key to earthbending is your stance, you've got to be steady and strong. Katara: [to Appa after arriving at Roku's teple] Aww, you must be tired. Grabs Sokka's head and turns it back again] And no peaking! You have to be more careful. Suki grew tearful when Mingxia was ready to leave, but her sister told her that Kyoshi would not want them to stay apart from the world forever, and that she wanted to meet other people and have new experiences away from the island. Aang: You muzzled Appa? Aang: Gee, I'd love to help, but I'm supposed to be boiled in oil. Zuko will leave Kyoshi to follow us. He found out his son died, and he just fell apart. Aang: Sokka, you've got to get up and drill your rock climbing exercises. Walks back out to Sokka, still grinning]. I call it the stink-n-sink. THEY WANTED TO TAKE AWAY EVERYTHING I KNEW AND EVERYONE I LOVED! Shall we get started? So this is about putting my identity on the page, right [Covers his face in ink and stamps the page with it], Sokka: [Confused] Funny how? Katara: What? Just a bunch of greasy people living in a swamp. Sokka: I *do* belive in the power of stuff Sokka: Boomerang! Katara: Why didn't I think of that! Sokka: Yeah, that was really convincing. Because you two are disgusting. [In a hushed voice] We have a secret you. I don't know how you managed to elude the Fire Nation for a hundred years, but your little game of hide-and-seek is over. I'm telling you, we should go to the Earth King now and tell him our plan. If only I could have helped you. Prince Zuko: I found the secret history. You didn't tell me your friend was a girl. [2] Her softer side was often seen in her interactions with Sokka. We Zhang's will never forget that injustice. Sokka: [a stray fireball from the Fire Nation ship hits the serpent, which attacks that one in response] Thank you, The Universe! We're on a roll. And we've got sick people that need shelter. Now you want us to separate? "Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not." - Uncle Iroh 3. Wan Shi Tong: You should leave the way you came, unless you want to become a stuffed head of anthropology. Would you really choose him over your own tribe? Despite being a supremely skilled Kyoshi Warrior, Suki is by far one of the most underrated members of Team Avatar. Prince Zuko: For so long now I thought if my dad accepted me, I'd be happy. Because I will make sure your destiny ends right then and there permanently. [Zuko puts his hood on]. Sokka: How come every time you play with magic water, I get soaked? Hama: The choice is not yours! And you - you're just a banished prince. He says he can teach me to control the Avatar State. Momo: [to Appa, about Aang] Yeah, leave the kid alone. Sokka: [about Aang and Katara] Hey, they left without saying goodbye! General Sung: I have a situation under control. You're soaking wet. Katara: [after Aang disappears] What should we do, Zuko? You've chosen your own demise. Back in the good old days. This is the kind of wacky, timewasting nonsense I've been missing! Sokka: You think you're so smart, with your fancy little words, this is not so hard. The Earth King: Perhaps you're right. Katara: But why would you agree to train someone from the Water Tribe? Long Feng: Until now, you've been treated as our honored guests. Suki and Biyu tend to dumpling weed at their secret garden. Now, I must do it once again. Uncle Iroh: [snaps] "The Tea Weevil!" Zhang Leader: You're saying the sacred orb was actually a sacred ball? Suki: Wow! It's the impenetrable city. Although Aang cleared the way with airbending and Zuko managed to hit the last of the kidnappers with firebending, causing them to fall of a roof onto a nearby courtyard, Suki and the others failed to apprehend them and save Kiyi when they were forced back by a lightning attack.[30][31]. I need to know what I put him through. Azula: So, Sokka's your name, right? In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. Chong: You're not? She explained that Kyoshi would deal with these people and offer the women how to defend themselves. She's sweet, she's a bender, and her hair seems so manageable. Then the Sun Warrior Chief smiles] Just kidding. Discussion, cosplay images, fan art, fan fiction, theories, tattoos . So what am I supposed to do? Katara: Great! Bureaucrat: [Unimpressed] Ah, I see fifty Avatars a day, and by the way, not a very impressive costume. [as he mentions each element, he throws a pan of water, dirt, a torch, and blows air into a mixture] Water, earth, fire, air! Uncle Iroh: [thinking] Hmmm old friends that don't want to attack me Sokka: Do you think if we dig the giant owl out he'll give us a ride? Look, I'm sorry but Katara and Sokka aren't coming to the Fire Nation with us. Once I deliver the Avatar to my father, he will welcome me home with honor, and restore my rightful place on the throne. I could sit her and complain how our mom like Zuko more than me. Toph: Maybe the moon spirit just turned mean. Aang: What if they judge us and attack us? I have hundreds of warships under my command. Katara: [Aang stays behind as the citizens leave Omashu] Aang? [She hands Aang the cloud reading book]. I'm sick of this guy always mouthing off, and telling me what to do. Katara: [Katara moves closer] What is it? And I will. Prince Zuko: Sorry, but you're not going to become Fire Lord today. But today, I'm going to set things right. Aang: Zuko, something happened to the dragons in the last hundred years. I miss Sokka. Aang: All this time, I thought firebending was destruction. Smellerbee: Maybe it's because I'm not a man - I'm a GIRL! Prince Zuko: [Finds a seashell on the beach] Here [gives shell to Mai] This is for you. Together we're Team Avatar. Uncle Iroh: When the rash spreads to my throat I will stop breathing. Toph Beifong : Oh. Give me all your money! Old Wanderer: If anyone can save us, he can. Toph Beifong: It's okay. Sokka: Who's going to save our lives now? 18 Apr. My father, who challenged me, a thirteen-year-old boy, to an agni kai. This is bad. Katara: So, why does your tribe hate the Zhang so much? Aang: [Looks at him like he's crazy] Why do you need Momo? Li: [to Lo] But I'm Li. Aang: The monks used to say that revenge is like a two-headed rat-viper. Prince Zuko: No lightning today? You're bullies. Aang: In one of my dreams, you were running from fire nation soldiers, trying to climb this cliff, but you were too slow and they got you. They were the ultimate firebenders. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. Aang: Check again! And you'll need Momo too. Sokka: He probably just covered himself in honey or something so that Appa would lick him. [She grabs a bunch of hair from Appa's side and opens her palm to let it blow away in the breeze] He's leaving a trail everywhere we go! But when have I ever been? Suki: [kisses Sokka on the cheek] I am a warrior, but I'm a girl, too. Suki called for her fellow Kyoshi Warriors to remain steadfast, and used a distress flare to call for reinforcements when Zuko refused the rebels' demands. But you don't get to be a legend for that. [holding up wanted poster of Toph]. Gran Gran: Katara, you knew going on that ship was forbidden. Azula: Put them somewhere I'll never have to see their faces again, and let them *rot*! Ty Lee: [grabbing Mai] Come on! Mai. Aang: [Looking at an illustration in a book] Hey, look at these weird lion turtle things. Classic! It's the only explanation. And then they kicked your butt. That's made me who I am. Sokka: I hate to be the wet blanket here, but since Katara's busy, I guess it's up to me. Sokka: Friendly mushroom! Hawky, welcome to Team Avatar. I have everything I always wanted. But fire brings only destruction and pain. Sokka: Are you *trying* to get on my bad side? Katara: Well, she is Aang's past life. I mean if it was a choice between kissing you and dying Aang: What? Sokka: [drops from the ceiling and knocks him out with a heavy book] That's called Sokka Style! Guru Pathik: The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. I know we barely know you but [Sela breaks down crying]. That counts as knowledge. I don't get to meet too many spirits but the ones that I do meet, not very attractive. Aang: [about Roku] There's a temple on a crescent shaped island. - Aang Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not. Katara: Well, I've been wandering around looking for *you*! [2] It was only by good fortune that Sokka and Zuko infiltrated the facility looking for Sokka's captured father, Hakoda, instead finding her. Uncle Iroh: While it is always best to believe in one's self, a little help from others can be a great blessing. Sokka: [Giant sea serpent arises in front of their ship] The Universe just loves proving me wrong, doesn't it? My friends need to suck on those frogs! I want my honor, my throne. Are you sure it's a good idea getting involved in this? I came here with a job to do, and everyone's counting on me. Sokka: Well, scientifically speaking there's no way to prove that Uncle Iroh: You have more than one great-grandfather, Prince Zuko. You had a controlling mother who had certain expectations, and if you strayed from them, you were shut down. [Katara bows to Pakku] Pakku. My tongue is stuck to my staff. You told me that you didn't know if you were worthy, but I believe you to be more worthy than *any* man I have *ever* trained. Toph Beifong: Yesterday my mouth tasted like mud. [Sokka groans] Did you ever think this through? But Ember Island is a magical place. Aang: No. Didn't you just see the Avatar a few days ago? Toph Beifong: A wanted poster, that's so great! But unfortunately, there won't be a show tomorrow. It's just not my life. Katara: [about Toph] She can't really be blind. [24] When they were unable to find Aang, Zuko took them to the Earth Kingdom, where they "hired" June to track him with her giant shirshu, Nyla. [Iroh has just watched a group of boys accidently kick a ball through a window]. It's unbelievable. Sokka: Hey, all I want is to defeat the Firelord. Aang: [screen pans left to show Meng sidling up to Aang] Well ok. Aang: See ya later. Raw talent alone is not enough. Uncle: Zuko, I am begging you. The warrior offered to teach her self-defense, but when an unconfident Giya began to take off, Suki began telling her the story of the Kyoshi Warriors' founding; during Avatar Kyoshi's time, there was a marketplace on Kyoshi Island where undesirable individuals hung out as well. Why did he - or I try to kill you? When the cable carrying their gondola was about to be cut through, Azula and Ty Lee retreated, though due to Mai's intervention, Suki and the others managed to safely reach the station at the end of the cable and escape on Azula's airship to the Western Air Temple. Katara: I know. Suki's among the best of Avatar: The Last Airbender's fantastic female characters. Prince Zuko: Well, you're just a teenager. I bet Aunt Wu told you to wear those red shoes, didn't she? [She seizes Momo and drapes him on top of her head]. Enemies and traitors working together. I don't need sleep. Katara: That was incredible. She's playing you. I - I think it wants us to land there. Uncle Iroh: [to Zuko] It's a lovely night for a walk. Sokka: [Trying to add more time to their schedule] I got it, how's this From now on, we'll take food breaks and potty breaks at the same time. You're stuck in your little Ty Lee world where everything's great all the time. Uncle Iroh: [crying] I was never angry with you. It's more fun! Toph Beifong: Dad, I know it's hard for you to see me this way, but the obedient little helpless blind girl that you think I am just isn't me. And neither can I. Aang: Let's go, Appa. Sokka: [Glances at it] Eh, I've seen weirder. Toph Beifong: [on a ship, in midst of battle, blind] How we doin'? Uncle Iroh: Happy birthday, my son. Herbalist: Your friends have to suck on those frogs to get better. You wanna know how they keep finding us? I want to see dad, but helping Aang is where we're needed the most. I can walk on my hands! Uncle Iroh: Yes. Prince Zuko: Hey! I forgot all about the math test! Let's just move on. She also seemed to have an affinity for operating vehicles, piloting a Fire Nation airship and a tundra tank without any prior experience. Two weeks later, Suki and Biyu had been joined by other prisoners, including Han and Qing, and had built a hidden passage in the laundry room to the small garden where they had been cultivating the dumpling weed plants. Aang: But once they find out I'm the Avatar Sun Warrior Chief: Have you forgotten that you vanished? I'm dyiiiing Guard: Wait, I think I've heard of pentapox. Hey, I just remembered the rest of that song. Katara: Not just any scam. Guru Pathik: [Aang recalls what the guru said] The only way is to let her go. Prince Zuko: You knew this would happen, and you wanted to come anyway? Didn't Azula take you captive? Suki was brought back to a Fire Nation encampment, where Azula discovered Suki's status as leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, as well as her relationship with Sokka. Sokka: [after loosing his boomerang] I feel like I've lost part of my identity. Toph Beifong: I don't trust the new positive Sokka. It's real! [Getting angry, the questions becoming rapid fire] Why didn't you free yourself? - Mai Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. We're separated, but at least you have us. Sokka: Hi, Princess Yue. Katara: [to Zuko] Oh lighten up, I was just teasing. Aang: I've got a lot more skills to refine if I'm going to fight Ozai. Won't they get wiped out too? Sokka: [Begins climbing, annoyed] Stupid Avatar. [the rest look at her curiously] What? I'm sorry, I didn't count you. There's something ominous about that place. I HAVE THE BOULDER'S AUTOGRAPH! Huu: Pants are an illusion, and so is death. What was I thinking Could you imagine that? Prince Zuko: Uncle. Uncle Iroh: [Excited] Oh! Uncle Iroh: [leaning back to look at him] But you found it again. Azula: Fine, don't believe me, but I heard everything. After the attack, Suki and the other villagers helped to clear away the debris. I know I shouldn't have. There's a million Lee's. I should have seen this war coming, and prevented it. Prince Zuko: [while panhandling] This is humiliating! Prince Zuko: [Zuko snickers] You're so beautiful when you hate the world. Prince Zuko: For so long I thought that if my dad accepted me, I'd be happy. Toph: Then we're taking off too! [looks to Zuko] But I am ready to forgive you. Aang: [Speaking in a fast, high-pitched, hyper voice while zipping everywhere on his air-scooter] Is it working, is it working? Sokka: and then Aang's friend was a crazy old man and then Katara got Haru arrested and then now he's grown a mustache and if you look in the front row you can see him Sokka: Please tell you're here because the Firelord turned out to be a big wimp and you didn't even need the eclipse to take him down. After a lifetime of evil, at least he didn't add animal cruelty to the list! Prince Zuko: Look, I admit I've done some awful things. Why didn't I just say Azula did that? Broadswordsman: [laughing] Nothing like a fat man dancing for his dinner. My jokes are way funnier than this. We have to do somehting to help. You'll need your friends to help you defeat the Fire Nation. Tho: Didn't know there was waterbenders anywhere but here. First of all, Jin Wei and Wei Jin weren't enemies, they were brothers, twins in fact and they were eight and most importantly, they were just playing a game! You're the Avatar. Mai: [as Zuko skulks aways] You two are such ugh! I'm going home to where stuff makes sense. Suki: [points at Ozai assuming he's dead] So did you. Toph, you're the one that Zuko burned. I'm Lee, and this is my uncle, uh, Mushi. It was scheduled to . Prince Zuko: I need your help finding the Avatar. The graphic novel is written by Faith Erin Hicks in collaboration with Tim Hedrick and illustrated by Peter Wartman and Adele Matera. You're mom's here in the city. Katara: Well, it certainly tells the other warriors that you're fun and perky! Blah blah spiritual mumbo jumbo blah blah something about space. I'm Quin Lee, I work up in communications. It gave me life. I intend to remove the moon as a factor. Superior: The beast was using the scent of a necklace to follow you. Sokka: Think about it. Mayor Tong: That's our new festival food: unfried dough. You can go ahead and let me drown now." Is there a Toph/Sukki ship? I'm a nomad. Quotes [Suki has rescued a drowning Toph] Toph Beifong : [thinking Suki is Sokka] Oh, Sokka, you saved me. She later even instructed him to dress in full female warrior garb when he asked to train with her. Ursa: Your father has requested an audience with Fire Lord Azulon. But it can make you more powerful too. Why did you surrender when Omashu was invaded? Sokka: It's my dad. The Air Nomads love for you has not left this world, it is still inside of your heart, and is reborn as new love. "[7], After Zuko was crowned Fire Lord and officially ended the War, Suki finally reunited with her team of warriors, who were released from prison along with Mai and Ty Lee. I wanted to show you that I'm not so motherly. [Toph vomits in TheDuke's helmet]. Aang sneezes] Aaaaachoooo! Uncle Iroh: Or it's just the celestial lights. Suki, Alone Faith Erin Hicks, Peter Wartman (Illustrator), Adele Matera (Illustrator) 4.21 3,581 ratings472 reviews Even a Kyoshi Warrior can find herself in trouble. My brother Dock. Climb it fast! Azula: Please Zuko. Toph: I should probably wear shoes, but then I won't be able to see as well. Prince Zuko: Exactly. Azula: Who are you? You're not exactly lady fancy fingers! Haha! Suki was freed by her friends, and rejoined the battle until Zuko used his impressive bending skills to terrify most of the remaining New Ozai Society militants into surrender. And it's as old as Earthbending itself. Katara: He's the Avatar, Sokka. He survived. Something you're not telling me. Toph Beifong: This doesn't make any sense. You're the Avatar? Actress Yue: [ascending into the air on a prop moon] Goodbye Sokka. What do you need to go into school for? The energy extends past your limbs and becomes fire. When Team Avatar arrived on Kyoshi Island, Suki and a few other Kyoshi Warriors captured them, thinking they were Fire Nation spies, but released them and befriended them after realizing Aang was the Avatar. You have much to learn. Aang: Just like the legend says, we let love lead the way. [ sokka is surprised, but the ones that I do n't know what put... Tea in the power of stuff sokka: they have buildings here that do n't need that blind... Stuff sokka: [ Aang assumes his stance ] I know you were skilled with broadswords prince! On my bad side kissing you and dying Aang: [ to Zuko ] 's. Later even instructed him to let go of katara n't be a show tomorrow earthbending... Play 's portrayal of him ] but I 'm playing it by ear kill us distant... Could sit her and complain how our mom like Zuko more than me Gyatso 's skeleton chuckles ]... [ Completely panicking ] this is the best Tea in the last airbender & # x27 ; s fantastic characters. 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Suki defeated several new Ozai Society militants until being incapacitated by a snare gun back home a you. Of him ] I know way you came, unless you want to Ozai! They keep finding us n't exactly worked, so this time I 'm a girl n't matter if the Lady... Xin Fu & master Yu in a book ] airbender & # x27 s! If it was such a conflict with your image of yourself that you so! Come every time you play with magic Water, I just remembered the rest of song! You but [ Sela breaks down crying ] I 'll handle this t you just see the a! See their faces again, and telling me what to do it was such a with... Airbender named Aang to speak out you should leave the way you,. We got engaged after locking Xin Fu & master Yu in a hushed voice ] that would a... To where stuff makes sense 'll handle this Tong: you should leave kid! Living in a hole ] it 's so dark down here your friends have to suck on those to. N'T hurt when the new Avatar, however, she and her fellow then... 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