daily prophetic word

The Kingdom will advance like never before. That process has now become 'SPIRIT SPEAK: 100 DAYS OF DAILY PROPHETIC'.This book is 100 daily prophetic words of encouragement, inspiration, insight, warning, and motivation. Receive fresh direction from the Lord Monday to Friday! These 129 pages include teaching on abundance and financial provision, healing, favor, risk-taking, expectation and much more. I believe that the first 100 days of this year are very important. We could, Copyright 2023 | Powered by Hartmann Studio Creations, Request prayer for yourself or your loved ones, Restoration, Revival, Miracles, Signs and Wonders, Provision, Open House for Restoration of Prophetic Light Base. You are bigger than the devil, demons and your light will put out the darkness and oppression that is imposed by the enemy. Is it a literal 1000 years or is it speaking about something else? What does the new wineskin look like? There is potential for a significant economic plummet the likes of which we have not experienced since the 1929 Great Depression. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. Lift up your hands, Be patient, says the Lord. He brings laughter, fun and a unique prophetic style while empowering people to transform their lives, discover their destiny and understand dreams, tattoos and piercings. I want you to never forget that our God is absolutely sovereign and that all things are working to the end that he has ordained. Subscribe now and begin your new favorite morning routine! (We will also see significant exposure in other areas of life such as government, finance, business, and tech. He will lift us up. You can subscribe to receive Lion Bites as an email every day or you can simply browse the archive of words here, that come from over a decade of us listening to God . (These shorter prophetic books in our Bible are known as the minor prophets, as distinguished from the major prophets such as Isaiah and Jeremiah.). ), If you would like to order the book, all you have to do is CLICK THE LINK BELOW. Raise a shout of defiance. There will be rise of extremism on all sides. Like the two witnesses in Revelation 11, prophetic voices with the mantle and fire of Elijah will come forth. !, Craig, I cannot begin to tell you how much these Spirit Speak emails bless me each and every day. Are we moving towards a completely digital/cashless system? The Father has a timeline. Things that have been hidden will continue to be revealed. I will prosper you beyond their boundaries and lengthen your tent stakes beyond their reach. The intense shifting and shaking have been birthing something new.in the worldand in your life. There will be certain spots across the world where his power is particularly evident and manifest. Leaders must lead with wisdom and courage. Many of Gods people are experiencing an identity crisis right now. The Hunter Shall Become the Hunted. Throughout 2022, we will find ourselves on a cusp. Long-standing allies will turn their back on Zion. Prophetic Word for 2021. Our Daily Walk with Jesus A sober warning for us to remember this world is not our friend nor is it our home and is hostile toward us who follow the Lord Jesus Christ. They will try to maintain power by brute force but their days are numbered. Things could move in either direction. Each chapter has 8-10 pages of prophetic revelation, key insights into current events, relevant personal experiences, important wisdom from other voices, significant Scriptures, and practical steps to flourish in this next era. Places that are usually warm will be uncommonly cold. We cannot have contaminants or mixture in our hearts. These 30 chapters are full of prophetic insight, personal stories, Scripture, illustrations, inspiration and helpful wisdom to help you fully embrace all that God wants to do in you and through you. "Let me clearly state to all of you and to all the people of Israel that he was healed by the powerful name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the man you crucified but whom God raised from the dead.". God's Daily Word. I had a picture of a large steel safe balancing on edge of a cliff. Features That You'll Enjoy in This App Include: Daily Prophetic Word - Don't miss a single bit of daily encouragement! My word is simple and plainly so. But I have found that many Christians simply dont know how to recognize or understand the many ways God is communicating with them. The earth is groaning for the sons and daughters of God to be revealed. Psalm 33 , 1 John 1:5-10 1 John 2:15-17 Luke 21:36 Youre like the pastor that I dont have at this moment.I feel like I know you well because you have been refreshingly open in your writing.I have heard God speak and confirm so much!.God has used your story in my current season and I thank God for every small detail.I cant put your book down!. Almost trapped in transition. Volunteer . I was really trying to trust God and cling to what He had spoken to me, but I was feeling unsure, insecure and anxious about the future. What about the one-world system and one-world religion? Wait for My voice to speak to you, and follow My lead. SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Thank you. Everything written aligns prophetically with my life. Patiently wait, You will be made to forget, says the Lord. So much change is happening. We have become too casual with the things of God. DECLARATIONS 11-20. Patiently wait for Me to direct your path. I started to panic a little at such volatility. What about the climate crisis? These are serious days we are living in. Over the last few months, we have experienced numerous power surges in our house. We overcome in your name. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. To not be so limited or restricted by politics, news cycles, events, and apparent calamities. And its not going back to normal.2020 was a pivotal year in reshaping and redefining life on earth as we know it.While so-called conspiracy theories abound, it would be difficult for anyone to dispute that a huge amount has happened in the past 12 months to set the stage for the events we see painted in the book of Revelation. To navigate this time of unprecedented challenge and change, we need real-time wisdom, direction, and prophetic revelation. * * * NEW POSTS * * * Please Share this Article: Then, in Mark 12, we are told that the next day he again entered the temple and overturned the tables. A RETURN TO HOLINESS, REPENTANCE, AND A FEAR OF THE LORD. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 explains it this way: "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. The epicenters of power are being redefined. As the woke/liberal demonic agenda is pushed to extremes, the pressure to conform will intensify, especially in the area of human sexuality and gender ideology. Light will shine into the darkest corners of corruption. You will likely see an attack on Israel from Iran and her proxies. Crisis after crisis is coming as the shaking, shifting, and sifting continue (and even intensify) for the foreseeable future. ebook. In the last few years I have also sought to break down and demystify the prophetic. We are experiencing the first season of a whole new era. What about digital IDs as a form of government control? I heard the Lord say: Say Goodbye to powerless Christianity.. In 2022, I believe were going to see more food shortages, power cuts, and other areas of pressure on a global scale. How to use all of your senses to discern God speaking. We must discern His ways. I believe we are in the middle of a three-year prophetic cycle: 2022: The year of SHAKING, SIFTING, and SQUEEZING. No one pours new wine into old wineskins. The hunter shall now become the hunted, and the hunted are moving on and soaring to glory, and shall be above and not beneath. The Father Says Today - July 10th, 2021 . Please SUBSCRIBE for more. Break off passivity and assert your God-given authority. Blow upon My Garden, let its Spices flow!. Food shortages. Christian Prophecy, Prayers & Bible Sharing Updated Daily, The Academy of Light Prophetic Magazine, What The LORD is Saying Today April 2023, What The LORD is Saying Today March 2023, What The LORD is Saying Today February 2023, What The LORD is Saying Today January 2023, I Will Make You Forget the Former Things!, Breaking the Power of Shame and Humiliation, If You Need Jesus to Intervene in Your Family, There is an Opposite in Everything in Both Kingdoms (Updated), There is an Opposite in Everything in Both Kingdoms, Declarations & Decrees for the Nations Against Destruction. Apostles Craig and Colette Toach and our international Next Gen Prophets Team deliver prophesies to your inbox. At the end of 2019, I received and released a clear prophetic word for 2020. Gods people will emerge victorious. In 2022, the Lord wants you to step into the fullness of the good plans that He has prepared for you. In the same way as the Lord came down and saw how His people were being oppressed by the Egyptians, so He has come down and watched how nations and peoples are being subjugated and held captive by those in power through authoritarian restrictions and unjust laws. Hundreds of people like you have been deeply impacted and transformed by both books. For many years I stumbled about in the dark trying so desperately to hear God speak to me. A 50-Day Journey Through the Book of Revelation. Thank you Thank you Thank you!, I have no words to express how inspiring your emails are to me right now. As in the days of Ananias and Sapphira, we will see God come in judgement against rebellious and hard-hearted believers who refuse to submit to the Fathers loving discipline. This is through ongoing weariness, attacks on our weak spots, and insecurity about the future. In When the Lamb Roars, I will take you through the book of Revelation, chapter-by-chapter, showing you what the vision meant to Christians in the first century and then exploring how it applies to us today.We will examine different major viewpoints and I will share what I believe to be the most likely interpretation of some of the most disputed passages.Sadly, too many Christians have based their end-time beliefs around popular books such as Left Behind rather than on what we read in the Scriptures.Over this 10-week devotional study, we will look at Does the book of Revelation apply to my life today or was it simply written for those in the first century? How to speak Gods Word over your life to reshape your future. They have been pushing together forming pressure and friction. What about Himself did He long to reveal? What are the signs we will see before Jesus returns? My Army is meeting at the River of Life, the True Lovers of God, says The LORD. But dont allow false loyalty to keep you in an old wineskin. But because the Lord was "drip feeding" me a prophetic sense of what is to come. The waves are all different, but they are constantthe ocean doesnt stop. They are on a cliff edge right now. Watch - Tune in to Spirit Connection, weekly videos, and archives Training - get books, mp3 . There is freedom and fulfilment available to those who face their own darkness. I heard the Lord say this phrase: Theres something in the water.. The enemy has discerned the plans of the Father and hes trying to cause you to draw back in defeat. They will speak the truth with a rawness and authenticity that will shock many. You have heard our cries, and, Thank you for your faithful support of our ministry of Prophetic Light International. However, GOD'S PLAN IS UNFOLDING - and YOU are a part of it. There will be signs and wonders, miracles, healing and deliverance on a scale the church has never seen before.In 2021, God is placing before you an open door.However, you are the one who will have to step through it.Don't stand back passively waiting for perfect conditions.Don't permit the enemy to limit you through lies and insecurity.Move forward boldly.Advance with a fierce faith and a Christ-filled confidence knowing that you are empowered by Heaven.Mountains will move, giants will fall, breakthrough will come!The stage is set.The KING is on the move. Since that time it has been the greatest joy and privilege to share what God is saying to other people. Why do I feel disconnected, and even isolated, from people and things I used to love? I didn't know it then, but I was experiencing what I now call 'THE TENSION OF TRANSITION'. Stand firm in truth and grace.Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His Word.Craig. A number of months ago, I had a vivid prophetic dream. Like an ocean, God never stops releasing waves of revelation and wisdom to us. Daily Prophetic Word - Position Yourself for God\'s Blessings | Haly Ministries Revive Me Daily Prophetic Word - Position Yourself for God's Blessings 10 June 2020 by Haly Ministries You will not need to fight in this battle. Germany and France especially will fight hard to hold it together. Break free from containment and confinement. You, Thank you, Lord, that we have the Blessed Hope of your return to rule and reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords on earth. Many many people choose to pray over them. #prophetic #dailyprophetic #propheticword #dougaddison #hearinggod #prayer #supernatural #encouragement There is a grace right now to confront deep-rooted issues and long-standing struggles. I will appoint my two witnessesThey have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.. Receive daily motivation straight from the Throne Room of the Father Determine your priorities. The nations and systems of the earth continue to be shaken. I recently started investing a little in bitcoin and crypto. He was attempting to hem us in and keep us contained. Cancel culture. Some of your important relationships have changed. Expect to see significant shifts in leadership in the body of Christ in 2022. We need more of Him. What was on His heart? How can I move forward? But then I learned that those who have been in the crypto game for a long time have an expression: And when you zoom out, you can see historically that bitcoin has only ever gone in one direction and that is up. Thanks so much for this word., Craig this is so in tune to what my life feels like.THANK YOU Craig - you explain things in such a way that, we feel the emotions and the chaos but aren't always, sure how to explain our thoughts. Extremism, on the right and left, will be at a level never witnessed before in the nation.In many cities the hostility on both sides will boil over and you will see running battles in the streets. Nothing takes him by surprise. I will only share the highlights of a few of them: The LORD is coming to anoint His Bride. How do I break off previous alignments that God is calling me away from? Enjoy a bite-sized boost of prophetic encouragement from Doug Addison every day! Now the Lord wants to bring you into a place where you can be established, build, grow, and increase. Your email address will not be published. How can I birth Gods promises for my future through prophetic decrees? Lion Bites - Daily Prophetic Words Every day our team publish a daily (Monday-Friday) personal prophetic word which encourages tens of thousands of believers all over the world. That's exactly where I found myself just a few years ago. 1,362 talking about this. Doug Addison The Lord is continuing to move with breakthrough anointing, healing, angels, new hope and joy. A common statement this year will be: Thats not how it should happen.. Today The LORD spoke to my soul while His Army marches from the North leaving me to my daily routines. The more you gain knowledge of who you believe the more strengthened your faith becomes. There is no reason for these. Belief is the Catalyst in your Life. I have planted within you the incorruptible seed of Myself. The others will be swept away in the cultural tide of conformity.The economy worldwide will take a major sudden dip. There will be many false flags throughout this year. This may mean exiting from significant relationships, changing church or a network, resigning from your denomination, even moving house or relocating to a different region. Everything is shifting. Daily Prophetic Word 14 April 2023 2 of 4 Kevin Bridges 8.7K subscribers Subscribe No views 1 minute ago ONE WORD FROM GOD WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE Get your Personal Prophetic word. Secret documents and recordings will surface and a level of exposure will come that will shock all political factions. Look, I am coming soon! Im so weary of waiting. The squeezing has already begun with shortages in the stores, supply chain issues, inflation, uncertainty around gas and fuel, staffing issues, etc. He is tearing down the false altars of personality and performance and replacing them with true altars of prayer, repentance, fasting, intercession, brokenness, generosity, worship. Rising prices. How important is the right environment' to the fulfillment of destiny? He will not share his glory with any man. Thus, they were able to prosper, advance, increase, and experience Gods blessing in an unusual way. Not because it's wrong. In spite of what many prophetic voices are saying, I dont believe President Trump will overturn the election. Share. This year, I believe that sifting will become a purging of impurity. Here is just some of the completely genuine, unsolicited feedback from those who have read the book. For many people hearing God speaks can seem so inaccessible and confined to the chosen few. In the Bible, we are told that the sons of Issachar stood out in their time because they understood the times and knew what Israel should do. (1 Chronicles 12:32). So beautiful.I feel like a different person after reading it."Honestly, we eagerly await every days chapter, and every day it feels like you are writing just for usyour words are saving and bringing life."I really couldnt articulate what I was experiencing until I read your book. I will make you forget the former things in light of My glory to come. Largely unknown, they have been prepared in obscurity for such a time as this. In the midst of all of the crises and shaking, the Lord has been working behind the scenes to reposition and re-mantle his people. Brilliant Perspectives Santa Barbara, California, US Now I know why. 2020-23 PROPHETIC WORDS Daily Prophetic 10 SOBERING WORDS FOR THIS PROPHETIC SEASON At the beginning of each year, many prophetic voices release a 'word' for that year. DAILY PROPHETIC WORDS BOOK. What are the signs to watch out for? It may be pushed back and put off, but it cannot be stopped. I believe that baptism by full immersion will become incredibly powerful and significant this year. If so, how will I know where to go? There is a great displacement taking place. There will be a longing to get Gods vantage point on the events we are witnessing around us and to understand the events of the end times. Lion Bites: Daily Prophetic Words That Awaken the Spiritual Warrior in You! More. You have taken what God has given you and ran with it. Daily Prophetic Word April 13, 2023 By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries The Lord says, "This is your time to walk into all that I have created you to do and be. Daily Prophetic RECEIVE DAILY PROPHETIC INTO YOUR INBOX AND GET FREE CHAPTERS OF 'THE TENSION OF TRANSITION' and 'SPIRIT SPEAK' Simply fill out your details to receive Daily Prophetic and get the free chapters by email. However, over the last few days, I have felt a sense of release from the Holy Spirit to share what I have written. Holiness in life and behavior will be the standard. How and when to share a word from God with someone else. Discernment is vital. Here is just a sample of the FEEDBACK I have received so far from those who are reading SPIRIT SPEAK: Your Spirit Speak words have certainly helped both my husband and myself make sense of a seemingly senseless situation!, Every word speaks of my current situation., I was wondering why I was feeling the way you have described here. The Lord will teach us not to put our trust in people.). While in the natural I believe President Trump will be re-elected, in my spirit I strongly sense that there will be a concerted attempt by the enemy to remove him illegitimately, even as the current impeachment process fails.There will be a major sifting within the church. I see hot spots all over the globe. To see things from his perspective and vantage point. Our Promise to You You have been on this journey a while. You speak to my heart and soul especially for the season that I am going through in my life right now, and I feel the Holy Spirit every time I read., Ive been SPEECHLESS!!! He will open doors. The rebellious, arrogant and proud who wanted deception and loved darkness will experience the consequences of their actions.There will be events and incidents that will simply have no rational possibility or logical explanation.There will be signs and supernatural occurrences that will leave the most wise and learned scratching their heads in confusion.Winds of change' are coming.As a sign look for significant and unusual storms in early 2021.God often uses the natural to reveal what He is doing in the invisible realm. In 2022, he is coming with a fresh, dunamis power upon His people. How can I prepare for the next 58 years? And old maps wont help you to navigate this new territory. This year, I held back from doing that. Call the 24/7 Miracle Prayer line at 877-843-4567 (877-The-Glory) to let Apostle know you will be receiving the prophetic word, and also fill out the information below so that you can receive the daily prophetic word! I asked Him what it meant. We have allowed compromise and sin to go unconfronted and unrepented. Do [], The Father says today that the Baal spirit is being broken in your midst. All Rights Reserved. A terrified world needs a bold and courageous church. Be edified with the latest Prophetic Words for April 2023 and more. It is prophetic and personal, relevant and relatable, honest and vulnerable, as well as challenging and thought-provoking. This is not a place you want to be., The LORD says: I will make you to forget the former failed harvests in light of the bumper crop that you will have.. Declaration - 2 Corinthians 5:17 - I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. Each post is followed by selected, relevant Scripture verses for meditation and declaration, followed by a short approximately 500-word reflection from me including personal stories and Biblical examples. Ive allowed FEAR to cripple me from making a move to trust God for HIS best in my life..""Thank you soooo much for your book! The Daily Prophetic Word is prophetic insight into what God is saying or doing right nowtodayto strengthen, encourage and comfort you. You can subscribe to receive Lion Bites as an email every day or you can simply browse the archive of words here, that come from over a decade of us listening to God . Dont give the enemy an inch. Finding Your Spiritual Father (Self-Directed Course Free for a Limited Time), The Inaugural Season of Gods Poured Out Anointing (PDF with Free Video). He has started separating the sheep from the goats. Enough of the downturn. ARE WE LIVING IN THE LAST DAYS?ARE YOU EQUIPPED TO IDENTIFY THE SIGNS OF THE END TIMES AS REVEALED IN THE BIBLE?Everything has changed. The Lord is working behind the scenes of things. Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. THE FIRST 100 DAYS ARE VERY IMPORTANT GOD IS INSPECTING HIS PEOPLE, Jesus entered Jerusalem and went into the temple courts. And yet, like many people, you may feel stuck. Are we experiencing the birth pangs of the last days that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24? We want to be the Prophets in your life! Currencies will crumble. Pray and listen for how God speaks to you to show you if theres anything you need to do in response to the Daily Prophetic Word. Last night I was reading my Dream Journal from a couple of years ago. You will be able to stand firm and flourish as the shaking intensifies. PROPHETIC WORD FOR MONDAY. At times, it may seem as if the world is on the brink of a nuclear war. Things that normally happen, wont happen. THE TENSION OF TRANSITION: 30 Days To Help You Navigate From Here To Your Promised Land. The is no middle ground. In the midst of this, leaders will arise from the sidelines who will gather people to themselves. How do I place boundaries around relationships that are no longer life-giving or fruitful? Be encouraged in Me, says the Lord. We must see things as He sees them. 11 talking about this. Here are some tips on how to make the most of global prophetic insightswhether through 'daily prophetic words' or occasional ones such as you find here on Enliven Blog: 1. We are going to see the Holy Spirit move in unprecedented and unrivalled power across the nations - especially in regions where there is great persecution of the church. In some churches, such baptisms will become a weekly occurrence in every service. They seek the face of the Lord above all else. Within weeks of my initial investment, the price dropped significantly. View most recent prophetic words released by Doug Addison. Why are so many people around me moving and relocating? Maybe you're WAITING ON GOD for BREAKTHROUGH in some area - a job, finances, a relationship? If your faith is at an arm's length away, it is not . Many of you have been wandering in the wilderness for a long time. The Lord is not seeking to wound us unnecessarily. But at the time I was stuck in the hallway in-between. Anger will boil over among the populace. What happens in the invisible, spiritual realm is often mirrored in the physical visible realm. What is the tribulation? I keep hearing the phrase: Enquire of the LORD. In May 2016, I walked away from leading of the largest and fastest growing churches in our country (Ireland). They cannot be. Have you been sensing that there is a SHIFT OF SEASONS in your life? At the beginning of each year, many prophetic voices release a word for that year. Lift up your hands that hang down., Be patient, says The LORD. Why do some people seem to experience greater favor than others? You see, our God is not silent. We require fresh manna - practical prophetic wisdom and insights for each day. All Posts; Daily Word; Search. Prophetic Word Of Inspiration: Unprecedented! In everything that happens, never forget - our God is still on His throne. What is God doing in His church in this time of upheaval, exposure of immoral leadership, and dismantling of old ways? Daily Prophetic Word of God September 23rd. But God will defend His people. Persecution of the uncompromising church will increasingly be legislated by governments. Gender identity issues. As I prayed into it, the Lord showed me that the passport was a sign of our identity. The Father says today, do you love Me? But you know there's MORE. We know that the power of life and death are in the tongue (Prov 18: 21) but this year we are going to see just how true that is. The symbolism of dying to our old life and rising to new life in Christ will bring powerful results. Remember your Timing and Walk with God is Different to Others. There has been too much human-centred hype. There will be verifiable signs, wonders, miracles, and especially a renewed emphasis on seeing people set free from demons. . For 100 days in Spring/Summer 2019, I set aside two hours each day, simply to ask the Lord what He wanted to communicate with His people in this particular season. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. Is God behind it all? Read - Get Doug's blog posts and prophetic words. The place of journaling and writing down what youre sensing the Spirit say. How do I stay aligned with God's purposes in this hour? There will be much fear and anxiety as people simply dont know where to turn. To be honest, I was also reluctant to share it because what I was receiving wasn't exactly uplifting for the most part! When faith is expressed, it is an innate knowing without any shadow of doubt. You are not a son of dust, but you are, My beloved. Who benefits? Required fields are marked * Comment * Name * Email * Website. My children have grown up in timidity and fear because [], The Father says today that prayers without faith are mere wishes without substance. It simply can't contain what the Lord is going to pour out.Leaders are being brought forth who are more concerned with presence than programs, character than competition, consecration over coolness, spiritual authority over Sunday attendance, and the supernatural over social media.This is the year where the Lord is dividing the church into the sheep and the goats. With so much confusion around sexuality and gender identity how can I live and speak the truth while still showing the love of Christ? Have you ever read or heard a prophetic word - perhaps online or in a book - and you knew it was just for you? Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. It will be as in the days of Elijah that the decrees of those with spiritual authority will come to pass indisputably. Call us at 417-593-9802. You summed it up perfectly., Your prophetic words have been like bread to me in this whole entire season. Supply chain issues. We must see the big picture from Gods Word and the big picture of history - our God is sovereign and all of history and humanity are moving irreversibly towards the feet of Jesus. You Thank you!, I believe that the Baal Spirit is being broken in your life new creature Christ! To prosper, advance, increase, and sifting continue ( and intensify... Will shine into the temple courts for your faithful support of our ministry of prophetic encouragement from Doug Addison the... Prophetic and personal, relevant and relatable, honest and vulnerable, as well challenging... What God has given you and ran with it lift up your hands, be patient says. You beyond their reach I had a vivid prophetic dream that Jesus spoke about in the dark trying so to... From the sidelines who will gather people to themselves or mixture in our (! Face their own darkness physical visible realm incorruptible seed of myself you!, I held back from doing.... 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