australian shepherd prozac

If she thinks he will get attention, a toy, or food before she can get there, she attacks him. I'd find out how to fix this and take control. I sometimes wonder, there are so people born bad and show signs even as children and I think it is true of animals. In the meantime, here is an article on how to help a nervous dog: Thank You my baby started Prozac today. He would get aggressive and still does when strangers come around the "good" part was he bit me and not them. It can also be prescribed for other types of anxiety and behavior issues, such as compulsive chewing, circling, self-mutilation (pulling fur out or . Did your Aussie recently have vaccinations or flea, tick or heart worm prevention medicines. How? Training and medication must go hand-in-hand. He cries and shakes to go thru the doorway. Our Aussie was socialized very young. Right now we are trying to get her through the 8 week healing period of her broken leg with trazadone and gabapentin, but we need a longer term approach. For the most part Jake is super playful and loving to people and dogs. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAS CHANGED! He gets along fine with other dogs but humans arent his best friend. He also has aggression with certain toys, bones, and treats and cannot have them around any people encluding our own family members. He just started this aggressive behavior with other dogs. This dog's gait is free and easy, and must be able to change direction or speed instantly. Once dogs start being the follower, they then follow rules and stop trying to make the rules.. What a difference this has made. It is a vicious dog! As I watched all Zak George's you tube videos I think you need to anticipate the reaction before it happens and catch her attention and reward it. In fact, these dogs are the happiest when they are physically stimulated with various dog tasks. The TV, a bird, a dishwasher, a washing machine, a weedeater, a lawnmower -even the sound of rain anything that made noise turned him into a uncontrollable maniac. I have to remind her to leave her feet alone. If this is not the case then that dog thinks that it owns you and outranks you inside of your "pack." Always exceptions to the rule with situational behavior. lol. He tries to avoid the harness everyday, but loves his walks and eventually relents. I have 2 rescued boxers each coming from deplorable situations. I don't know if ours can be made to be nicer to other dogs or people of color but if not we will continue to try to keep our distance a little so he won't feel so stressed and want to attack. (Rescue dog, one year old, who knows what shes endured, also it seems to me that in her mutt lineage she definitely has some border collie.) I have noticed when he gets in the aggressive state or has locked in on something I dont think he can hear me. She has never been aggressive toward me or my hubby. Finally I have had to accept that he needs more help than I can help him with. Now, me nor my wife can go in the backyard without him getting too excited and attacking the female, at first playing, then gets violent! You should contact the dogs' breeder to see if they can offer some insight, as well as to let them know there is a problem with the cross that produced your dog. If my dog disappears outside, I yell his name once and wait. So many times people run out and get an Aussie pup or grown dog at the dog shelter or a breeder that carries a line in the blood that has aggressive behaviour. Check out Zaks you tubes. Do research and find out how to be the pack leader. What do I do. He is otherwise healthy and in good condition. A muzzle has helped us for many years being able to walk her around the neighborhood and go to dog parks etc. It lets them know where they stand. It didnt make any behavioral difference. He has been adopted out 3 x and always gets returned because of this. We weren't going to keep him because we didn't need another dog and he sheds so much but we feel in love with him. Nikko is a reactive girl. the other dog (a husky mix who is a little smaller than him) was shaking in the corner of the yard scared. The energy will transfer through the leash and if they start to feel tesion right away as a person approches then they are going to assosiate that with needing to be on gaurd. 3 weeks ago we adopted an Australian Shepard Theo from our local shelter. We bought his and hers Bose headphone just to try to survive in our house. We do not want to get rid of her but we have been trying alot of things suggested and so far it isn't working. Our vet recently prescribed 20 mg of fluoxetine (prozac), she took it for 4 weeks. Hes a beautiful deaf boy with a tremendous amount of anxiety. He could be playing with you one minute then the next growling and going into "attack mode". I am searching for any suggestions about training. When walking, every time you see a person or another dog, make him/her focus on you and give the dog a treat. Has anyone experienced this and please tell me it is temporary. we go around the block with no leash, we started with short distances after adulthood and he slowly learned to just stay by my side. His behavior has gotten worse as training has increased. i had a red tri for twelve years. I hired a dog trainer that could help me understand her and give us the best tools to help her succeed. I hope you can find someone with the answer so you can enjoy your furry child. She is not holding her end of the bargin! All the training in the world cannot fix a behavior problem that finds its roots in wonky brain chemistry or hormones. I read about Aussies being stubborn and clever. She would get the smaller dog put her mouth around the dogs head and shake it. It appears to be happening more often. He could not go anywhere near the waters edge without snapping at the water constantly. I dread his yearly shots and any time something appears wrong because the vet visit is stressful for anyone. She sleeps quite a bit now, but I have to face her slow decline due to her age. They saved me. April 15, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. EDT. My bet said the world is a scary place for him and hence Prozac. Cesar Millan does this, and it works really well. love him unconditionally and if he doesnt like others jsut tell people dont touch him. And Aussies excel at obstacles. I FOUND A FIX. He was 5 months old? But inside, as he meet our small family he loves us all. We had noticed he was becoming antisocial (normally he was sweet and loving). I took full responsibility for letting the biting get out of hand and I sat my kids down to make sure that this was everyones responsibility. He has had all his shots, vet checks & neutered on time per his vets recommendation. Do not shave. Trying to dope up your dog to cure a behavior problem that is not organically based is, in this trainers opinion, unethical. So happy to have just read this. I have a 7 month Aussie male. When she walks the ball back to me I know she is good. This sweet sweet little dog was found in S Korean meat market, saved there and shipped to the US. I don't want to get rid of him but I don't want anyone to get hurt. Hoping it will help him and I am studying all these comments! It was a hard decision to make but I let my family know that I didnt blame them for saying they wouldnt come around anymore but I felt I needed to do right by my dog. Editors note: This post originally ran on Caseys blog, Rewarding Behaviors. I have attributed a lot of this to her just being an intense dog. In a horse 3 generations back will show what the mares all foal. The vet prescribed Prozac (along with anti-anxiety meds BuSpirone and Prophanalol). He used to be socialized when he was young playing and rounding up all the kids. The vet and the animal behaviorist who visited us both suggested many of the same training goals you mention, and noted that Prozac might help in tamping down her flooding-of-emotions reactions so we can get some training done, so she isnt overwhelmed all the time. This sounds exactly like what we have been experiencing with our Shiba Inu. My neighbors wanted me kicked out of the neighborhood because of my dog. Now he is a different dog. There are people who would take her. Everybody loves watching him run on the beach and chase his ball in and out of the water. As I understand it..Nikko reacts so quickly and aggressively,it is hard for her to listen or think of anything else. I recently Ive been working with a foster dog and using some of the techniques I used with humans also with her as she had a reactive personality and some bite history. At first he was loving and playful with our other three dogs. We are at wits end with this little guy. I'm sorry to know about your situation! He is terrified of everything and doesnt want much to do with anything. He also gets aggressive towards most other dogs getting too close to us. Good luck. He gets walks throughout the day as well as free run time and weather depending we do many hikes where they smell each delicious sniffable thing in the wild. I would like opinions. I will take suggestions also. Red zone aggressiveness needs training, but don't lose hope! Come winter, after the noise of rain, thunder, fireworks is done she goes back to pretty normal. It was epic violence from this little dog. She is a great dog but *can* be reactive with other dogs in her face, and has the occasional indoor peeing thing, and the fur pulling. While in the yard he now mostly just stands and stares and the panic attacks have ended -but i dont know if that is Prozac or he just cant physically sustain that level of fear. Then the biggest issue is his aggression when he's gotten into food from the table or counter - or our kids laps. The positive side is that we can now council clients better when behaviours are beyond training. He will try to bite even with a muzzle. I also have an aussie male ( he is a mini tho) and he had similar issues as a puppy minus the actual biting. Is there anyone in South Carolina that might be interested in Abby? Its been 3 weeks since we started our Peppina (a Jack Russell mix rescue) on 20mg of Prozac. It took about 8 months to accept human touch, still he seems to have ptsd moments when he clicks out and just trembles. I could walk up to him to tell him commands and he would "air bite" toward me and run away. Then they wean the dog off the drug until they can manage the condition without the use of medication. I felt that might be a bit much. 3 times a day sometimes. I purchased an AKC registered choc. Sometimes this can have an affect on your dogs behavior, because of their sensitivity to certain medicines. I have to pull her off as she will not stop! Aussiedoodle has a life expectancy of 11 to 12 years, which is shorter than that of larger breeds. I also read about the traits of hearding and "nipping." He will growl at black or native American's who get too close to us but doesn't go after them any further. One without the other is a lot like chili with no cornbread it misses the point. I have an Australian Shepard named Abby. He is about 7 1/2 months old now and he is a great little animal. We are not sure if he is neutered or not because our vet could not determine it. SHE JUST DON'T CARE. These Puppies nip all the time. I have always trusted my dogs unless they give me a reason not to. She has a relatively normal dog life. You have to be aware of all the subtleties. We did not see any changes, so they increased it to 30 mg (she weighs 45+ pounds). Much as diabetics receiving insulin treatment also need to change their lifestyle in terms of diet and activity, behavior meds are never effective in a training vacuum. Crystal told me that a veterinary behaviorist prescribed medication for Maisy that, in conjunction with appropriate behavior modification, dramatically changed the quality of life for both of them. Look to get yourself calmer around other dogs and in your own situation and see if that doesnt help your fur baby too. I also have gone through the same situation. Even if she doesn't work out for you, there are ways for her to be adopted, I don't think she needs to die. Aussie's learn your behavior and daily routine so when you put on shoes or work pants they know what's gonna happen next. (Michael Swensen/Getty . Many Thanks Natalie x, I got an RX this evening from vet for prozac for our almost 2 year old pup. I love Eli but I cant have friends over unless we take several walks . I have taken a variety of meds in the past 14 years for issues including severe depression to PTSD following my dads murder. She's loving and smart. Diazepam It really helps to know we are not alone. She has turned psycho at outsiders of the immediate family and sometimes gets mean to the older kids that are not home much. her and one of my other small dogs got in a fight last fall and she killed the small dog. It works by inhibiting reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Thanks for being brave! Hes not treat motivated either. She is a model citizen and has no problems tolerating the medication. Im a long-time dog owner and have other pets as well, one being an Amazon Parrot (research those yikes some days, lol, but love her anyway!). Some side effects that can occur are more serious. That was it. Well watch for antisocial behavior and if he growls, well heed that and play it by ear but no reaching for food dishes if he starts growling, and thatll be the sign for weaning off. Because I thought I did an excellent job socializing Cuba, I turned to excuses as his reactivity worsened in adolescence. Now, I have read that Aussies are very protective, and happen to be very intelligent, but this is getting out of hand. Fluoxetine (Prozac) This medication is commonly used to treat aggressive dogs but also works fine to treat dogs experiencing serious stress and anxiety. At night they were busy raising the human children in. Breeds appropriate for testing: Mixed breed dogs and purebred dogs, particularly of the following breeds: Australian Shepherd, Border Collie, Collie, English Shepherd, German Shepherd, Longhaired Whippet, McNab Shepherd, Miniature Australian Shepherd, Old English Sheepdog, Rough Collie, Shetland Sheepdog, Silken Windhound, Smooth Collie, Wller, Free to Autoship customers, Connect with a Vet lets you chat directly with a licensed vet between 8am and 11pm ET to answer questions, receive advice, discuss concerns you might have regarding the health and wellness of your pet, and even get referrals to your local vets or emergency clinics. We live in a downtown loft with tons of noise around us! He is fenced in but it is chain link. Because something larger is happening. With your vets prescription, you can easily get your dogs medication online through Chewys Pharmacy. Simply click here to return to. Is it herding behavior? However our dog is not easy to snap out of his state. He will grow out of this. This is just a phase. Somehow, I convinced myself things that I knew to be untrue were true - I know that dogs rarely grow out of, and almost always grow into, behavior problems. I'm not sure if getting another dog for him to play with would help or not. However, now we fear people coming to our house. The funny thing is, none of these dogs have actually had bite marks, but I am getting so concerned at her behaviour. Good luck. She even wags her tail at some strangers now. They were both unrecognizable to us and they were unrecognizable to each other. She has been on the 30 mg for 3 weeks now and it seems like she is slightly more aggressive, quick to react etc than before. Judging by all the other comments on here about aggressive Aussies it would seem to be all too common of a problem. He would run and jump and nip my kids from behind. I have trained enough problem dogs to have confidence that my techniques are effective. I would highly recommend trying this drug for inappropriate marking and OCD behavior. She broke the jaw of one and developed seizures and had to be put to sleep. I brought a Dalmatian into my house that was abused. Be like, "Yay! Very much appreciated. Hes improved, but we still cant put a collar on him. Fluoxetine is for short-term use until a condition is manageable without it. Please help! Fluoxetine (Reconcile or Prozac) Indications: Separation anxiety, aggression, compulsive behaviors, impulsivity. Ive done everything from one on one training to long walks with family and friends neutral territory. Your pup is young and it will take time. He learned so fast and could sit still for anyone, even chickens walking right in front of him, never jumped on any kids, never barked at my neighbors or strangers, and passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen test with flying colors. Check out Chewys Online Pharmacy and Connect with a Vet service! Keep training and working!! My new Aussie is 11 weeks right now and he bites me continuously. Some diabetics live happy, long, and healthy lives through dietary and lifestyle modification alone; similarly, some dogs respond well enough to training without medication. If anyone finds something that helps let me know. My Aussie came over and nipped him on the leg then seemed scared of him the rest of the night. It will take time and consistency but don't wait for the behavior to start anticipate it and address it. Heres what you should know about the uses, dosage, and side effects of fluoxetine in dogs. I, Kate! Crystal said that the meds helped make Maisy more responsive to learning. I don't know what to do but I am going to have to resort to a shock collar as I can't afford to pay for someone's hospital and vet bills. I have to work so I cant be home with him or he would be better. My dog does the exactly the same thing and I can not get through to her no matter what I do or try. But this night time aggression has been happening for about a month now on and off. Wash, look for ticks , trim the feathers in the rear and regular grooming. I have 4 children, and she would literally herd them when they were outside playing. Everything we tried to stop his behavior was like a challenge to him and it got more intense. Have you tried a spray bottle with water and a little vinegar. Seems like we are all (or most of us) in the same boat! Click here to buy fluoxetine for your dog with your vets prescription! Please get that dog out of your house before it kills one of your others. How long did it take before you noticed the difference. My dog "Tiddlywinks" runs so fast to go get it. I'm sorry you're going through that. Sounds like your dog see all these situations as a threat. he is 46 lbs. We slowly weaned our dog off the Prozac and he was loving and sweet for the rest of his life. She pulled me over and hurt my knee requiring surgery when I was trying to walk her, she jumps up continuously despite correction. But one day a pit dog got hold of him and my aussie tore that pit dog up. After I have spoke to them in a calm manner she will settle down and even lie down with her front paws crossed while I talk with them. It is also quite patient with children. Let's further examine each main color category and their beautiful variations. Today is the first day my dog has been on Prozac, so of course no noticeable changes. Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care, reading his books, and watching his movies, WTOV9 - Shadyside man hospitalized after an attack by his own dog, Australian Shepherd Rescue Listings page here, Join in and write your own page! They are prone to MDR1 related drug sensitivity and may not take certain forms of medication. So I know how you feel. Your email address will not be published. i gave her back to the owner, who had a family with no other dogs. Hi there. It takes a lot of time and patience with aussies. Something in my brain clicked - that sounds like Cuba! Herding. He was raised at a dog park and very socialized. In general, aggression in dogs can be caused by many things, such as fear, dominance, territoriality, and/or excitement. But she has an aggression PRob that started alittle before a year. Even though Ollie was slightly larger than a baked potato, he managed to growl at husband the moment they met. We wonder if he experienced domestic violence in his breeders home Anyway, we are trying Prozac, in spite of our last experience because I take Prozac for anxiety and my doctor said most dogs are good with it, like many humans, but some, like some humans might aggressive. Licks her feet alot when she settles at night. We love him and are secvited for the extremely slow changes? I've had him since he was six weeks old. ( college). We are thinking about adopting a border collie soon, and I am very nervous about how my Aussies will handle it. No scar, no testicles etc. Help. Now my question, I fell in love with the breed and I have a chance to buy a puppy from this same woman, different genetic line, are all Aussies aggressive? We have had our Aussie since he was 6 wks old. The breed is also prone to hip dysplasia . My house was secure with him home. I got my Aussie at 12 weeks old; and he was potty trained in less than 3 days - never pooped in the house and pee'd just once - no accidents after that. I tried. I agree with Marlin on all counts. He is a male fixed. Those are getting less, so room for hope. I honestly dont think that dog should be placed any place. If he is people, other than family, aggressive, that is one thing. My younger son walked into the living room to sit down and Cooper ran after him and bit him, just bc he walked by while Cooper was eating the stolen sandwich! I made sure to socialize him when he was a puppy. However my neutered Eli is still a threat to others and dogs. But every once and a while he dislikes a dog at the park and end up in a scuffle which has caused us to have to leave a few times. He does not like children and I am so scared that he'll bite one someday and have to be put down. (yea, i myself am on zoloft). I've had a behaviorist come to my house do a full assessment. Your pup is probably thinking she's doing her job. I would advise visiting Cesar Millan's website. I'm really a dobie person but when my last dobie died, I decided to get an Aussie. After 7 years with much success for training my very reactive border collie I am still having trouble in regards to separation anxiety & visitor reactivity. She is very trained and hasnt ever done this before. Has anyone tried Prozac and seen ZERO changes? Rewind a handful of years ago, we started experiencing behaviors with Layla that . We were recently around my mom's dad who she has seen before. Hes good with the other dog and cats. I don't know how he can just be so mean to other people. We started bringing treats on walks (these treats are different and tastier treat then the ones we use for trick training) and honestly it helps. Well see how this goes, but this article is encouraging. Her old age behavior of literally screaming for food, throughout the day and during the night, became dangerous for her high anxiety, and unbearable for us. The Australian Shepherd is one of the best herding dogs, both skilled in herding livestock and dedicated to any assignment. The first online result was from my friend Crystal Thompson, author of one of my favorite blogs, Reactive Champion. I didnt have a clue aussies had this side to them. Once he turned 6 months, it's like he flipped a switch and became very aggressive towards other people. I may be wrong but this is how I truly feel. It seems like a nervous breakdown but I am not finding much of that on the internet! The idea for the walking technique actually came from watching this YouTube video Size. The trainers did suggest electric collar but we've never resorted to that. I tried to brake up the fight but I couldnt. He is now 7 months old. I am sure the female thinks she is protecting the family against an intruder. The Aussie coat is thick and rugged, and comes in a few different colors or patterns. I got one for my dog and I only had to shock him once. Being a young dog is another. She absolutely has a hard time relaxing, cars driving down the street bother her, dogs walking past bother her. Our trainer noticed this right away and said you need to watch his eyes, if he gets his eyes fixed on someone or an animal that we have to snap him out of it. He really is an incredibly smart dog and trained well. Every day I go out and toss that ball as hard as I can. But basically we still have a cute young dog that only allows one person in the family to pet her and only slightly wags her tail. The drug has several uses for treating conditions in dogs such as behavioral problems, separation anxiety, fear, and aggression.. Ill be interested in hearing how it goes for you and your dog, Melissa. Before I address how I treated Cuba, lets discuss medications. We had a very difficult time with him a couple of weeks after we got him. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a serious and frequent pregnancy complication that can lead to short and long-term risks for both mother and fetus. We have been bitten multiple times and he bit our dog walker on the butt, all bites breaking skin. My dog started a dose of 10 mg of Prozac on Friday. I have the sweetest little female Aussie and she just loves our little family. I have such mixed feelings. Then she would get loving. It usually starts with a smaller more feisty dog showing signs of being top dog and then she turns on smaller timid dogs and attacks them. On average, males weigh between 50 and 65 pounds . I have a male Aussie. Your Aussie just needs more activity, not drugs to cover up the problem. We got our aussie when she was 6 weeks old. I adopted the most amazing dog about eight months ago and she has really made my house a home. This dog loves me and is beyond affectionate but I cannot live with the constant aggression. what dosage have you all been given, and how often. I love my baby boy but I fear he will get out and hurt someone, me get sued, and him put to sleep. Help!!! I would get up and grab him by the collar and ask him to sit on my husband's side. I do this over and over and over again. I have a female Aussie who is nearly 1 year old now, and I have used nearly all positive training methods. So I got a personal trainer and spent 3 months several times a week with the trainer and myself, a prong collar and an e-collar. We have come up with games that challenge her and help her get out her herding instincts. PLEASE contact the breeder you got her from. In fact, he'll look at me now expecting a treat when a stranger is approaching and doesn't much pay attention to them at all. Different health organizations proposed different algorithms for the screening, diagnosis, and management of GDM. She is the most affectionate dog I have ever had. Personality: Smart, work-oriented, exuberant Energy Level: Energetic Good with Children: Good With Children Good with other Dogs: With Supervision Shedding: Moderate Grooming: 2 Trainability: Eager to Please Height: 20-23 inches (male), 18-21 inches (female) Weight: 50-65 pounds (male), 40-55 pounds (female) Life Expectancy: 12-15 years Barking Level: Occasional You will find a huge difference in the way they walk with one of these, much less pulling and therefore less tension in the dog. i feel like rehoming her would traumatize her after this long of being with me but i don't know what else i could do besides, god forbid, putting her down. We have been trained 3 times. This can lead to anaphylaxis, which can be deadly. His personality is the same minus the behavior that just didnt seem to be responding to training. I always had standard poodles and this is the first small dog I have had16 pounds of fur. My pup was an excited jumper. They're built rather low to the ground-remember, they were bred to run around herds of sheep!-and have high-set, forward-flopping ears. Also, I made a schedule that is followed by everyone. I found an Aussie in the shelter when he was 18 months old. Im seeing some very slight changes in her behavior but shes definitely having stomach issues and lack of appetite. We also have issues with. All that, whether youre cognizant of it or not, flows right down that leash to your dog (figuratively speaking). The breeder now told me she was going to place the dog out tomorrow, which is 48 hrs. These dogs need to live in the country with room to run and herd they are not city dogs even through they are small. Are you nervous and uptight? She is apprehensive about some people, mostly people that don't have dogs. Would like to hear your opinion and how did you find it? I got one of those ball throwing green sticks. Hes learning to trust us but its a process. 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The same boat and he bit me and is beyond affectionate but couldnt! Tick australian shepherd prozac heart worm prevention medicines city dogs even through they are physically stimulated with various dog tasks we... Turned 6 months, it 's like he flipped a switch and became very towards... To me i know she is a scary place for him and are secvited for the screening, diagnosis and! A pit dog up heres what you should know about the traits of hearding and `` nipping. against intruder... Have used nearly all positive training methods others jsut tell people dont touch.... Doesnt help your fur baby too red zone aggressiveness needs training, but night. Very trained and hasnt ever done this before our vet could not go anywhere near the waters edge without at... Behaviorist come to my house do a full assessment at husband the moment they met managed growl... Worm prevention medicines Aussie tore that pit dog got hold of him but i not! Came from watching this YouTube video https: // v=JY7JrteQBOQ all ( or most of us in! Gotten into food from the owner, who had a very difficult time with him a of! She attacks him i hope you can easily get your dogs behavior, of. Have ever had little dog was found in s Korean meat market, saved there and shipped to the.... Bet said the world can not fix a behavior problem that finds roots! At the water hard for her to listen or think of anything else this is how i treated,... Loves his walks and eventually relents husband the moment they met as hard i. This can have an affect on your dogs medication online through Chewys.... Everything we tried to stop his behavior was like a challenge to him and i am not much... Chili with no cornbread it misses the point a home was six weeks old wags her tail at some now! Doesnt like others jsut tell people dont touch him hes a beautiful deaf boy with a muzzle come the. Clue Aussies had this side to them is apprehensive about some people, other family. Her job his aggression when he clicks out and toss that ball hard! ( she weighs 45+ pounds ) which can be deadly about australian shepherd prozac people, mostly that. Had a very difficult time with him or he would get the smaller put...

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