A brief summary of the more prominent terrain in Clan are found nowhere else in the Empire for which thoseeach clans holdings follows. . The caster touches one living being, who must be either willing or physically Damage: 7k1 (Knife) Armor TN: 35 helpless (securely bound, asleep, or unconscious). 79 Mastery Level 4 . They pose no threat to humans, but often prey Small, fast, and wary, hares can be found nearly anywhere on on chickens and other farm animals, and as a result many the Rokugani mainland. Uploaded by: Romain Rivalin. . .277 Oni Lords and Spawn . He devoted every possible 5 regarded the vast expanse of forest before him. At its most powerful, the Empire cast a shadow across the known . . Just North of Altdorf, not far from the village of Frederheim, the cult of Shallya maintains a Hospice. Book Synopsis Enemies in the Empire by : Stefan Manz. . .124, Mastery Level 5 . . defeat death itself? . . . The Rain of Blood corrupted any who felt its touch toolong, and this sudden spread of the Taint sent the Empire intospasms of violence and confusion. ward causes its victims blood to become sluggish and cold. Regardless, Armor TN for being Grappled.no one becomes a Kolat Master without years of dedicatedservice to the conspiracy. The caster must succeed in a Contested Willpower roll against the MASTERY LEVEL 5 victim, and if the victim wins, the caster is hurled back into his current body. . . Moreover, since these sorts of maneuvers ond Day of Thunder. Sometimes these are samurai merchant patrons, but they are just as likely to be commoners. . Flying squirrels are notprey of goats. ran the Jade Sect for decades from within his crystal cocoon. . Suru, who while bitter and driven wasthe Imperial forces. .253 Furu no Oni, Serpent of Flames . It is not uncommon for proud hunters to gions of the Empire, crossing the Great Wall of the Northdecorate their kabuto with the horns of their kills, and ronin Mountains from the steppes. . While not often seen, snakes are present in the lands of feet long, and has jaws powerful enough to bite a grown man every clan and often play a big part in keeping the populace in half. . . . . . Lost Empire Pdf Recognizing the exaggeration ways to acquire this books Lost Empire Pdf is additionally useful. buckle beneath the relentless onslaught of undead legions and Bloodspeaker maho. . Not always pleasant, of course, but nev- (Cipher) 5, Commerce (Appraisal, Mathematics) 8, Courtier er, ever boring. . . 117 Chrysanthemum Sect . .74 Mastery Level 1 Memory Sticks . . . . . . Iuchiban mer strength, with less than two hundred surviving members.possessed Shahais lieutenant Mohai and together the two spirits The survivors are hardened fanatics, determined to hide andoverpowered her. . . . . . Iuchiban in all of his incarnations was human ambitionincarnate, demonstrating the extremes a man was capableof taking if his desires went unfullled. Master Lotus keeps will do so, but more often the Jade Sect utilizes the Kolats in close contact with Master Silk, with three couriers at each powerful network of control and inuence to bring allies to temple ready to run missives between the two. . . . . Even sented the actualization of the conspiracys goals. I came to hunt, andthat thought of you in such dangerous surroundings without by the Fortunes that is what I am going to do. . One of the most successful Bloodspeaker cult cells his own body, and shuddered with the effort of holding the was in the lands of the Unicorn: the so-called Demons Breath Bloodspeakers powerful soul. He better, the Eye allowed them to regain contact with those of was a mortal who stood before gods and took command, their brethren who had ed into the Burning Sands after the briefly imposing his own will on the Celestial Order, just arrival of the Kami. The Naga were a warrioron his wrist, which stirred lightly at the motion. In that case, the question of who ruled mankind becamethem, some were less enthusiastic especially the tribal chief- one of vital importance. For example, during the reign of Hanteiwill lure in easily corrupted samurai with demonstra- XXXVIII, one of the Kolat Masters was a geisha while an-tions of financial and political power. . If aand make sure everyone will be comfortable with such situ- PC is exposed as a Kolat agent, the rest of the partys dutyations and can maintain a distance between themselves and is clear-cut: Imperial law demands the Kolat be put to death.their characters. . . . The GM has the nal say on what you learn, but it will The ancient order of the Hidden Guard, named mockingly af-always be something useful to your current endeavors. . . . When the scope of a keeps the Lotus assassins themselves at their best, since he threat is within the ability of a few agents to deal with, they may arrive at any moment without notice. . . A handful of loyal of near-victory the Kolat had plunged to a position nearly asKolat agents escaped, eventually founding the Minor Clan of weak as at its founding, 1100 years before.the Ox, but that was hardly suitable compensation for the lossof the Unicorn. 208 Notable Undead Villains . . By Ramsay MacMullen. AIR 1 EARTH 2 FIRE 1 WATER 1REFLEXES 3 - AGILITY 3 PERCEPTION 2Initiative: 3k3 Attack: Bite 3k3 (Complex) Armor TN: 20Damage: 1k1 (plusvenom) Wounds: 6: +10; 12: DeadSkills: Stealth 5 Special Abilities:Special Abilities: c Rut: During their mating season, male stags become much more aggressive and careless. . (Manipulation) 7, Defense 5, Etiquette 6, Forgery 4, Heavy Weapons 2, Intimidation (Control) 7, Kenjutsu 3, Knives 5, Lore: Kolat 7, Lore: Sake Breweries 5, Meditation 2, Sincer- ity (Deceit) 6 Advantages: c Allies (many) c Blackmail (many) c Crafty c Perceived Honor (4 points) c Social Position (Yasuki Family Daimyo) c Wealthy Disadvantages: c Dark Secret (Kolat) c Obligation (Kolat), New Mechanics c Required Rings/Traits: Two mental Traits at 5 or The Kolat higherThe following sections offer new mechanical options for rep- 49resenting Kolat characters in your campaign. Star Wars: Edge of the Empire - Reference Sheets v12 (14/11/2012) AIR 1 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 2 REFLEXES 4 STAMINA 2 AGILITY 3 - The stats listed here are for a larger specimen of either spe-cies, since those are the only types likely to threaten samurai. . . . .69 Nezumi Characters and NPCs . . It could be advice on how to handle something, what I thought about it or a certain aspect of the game, the quality of the product or anything else. . . . . A famous katana suddenly breaks in a duel, a mer- the most difcult and vital of duties making sure the Kolat chant is discovered selling counterfeit goods, travel papers conspiracy remains a secret at all costs. . . . Not every campaign, was successful. . Under-appreciated and ignored, he grew into a man of bitterness andseething rage. . .118 Jade Sect . . . . Giant octopi do ters, many of which are too small or inoffensive to threatenexist, however, and can reach a size of between fourteen and humans. . . The handful of survivors from the sect attempted toThey also forge and falsify anything the Kolat might need,from legal documents to famous weapons. 243 Sample Kenku . . . . . Skills: Jiujutsu 4, Stealth 4 c Huge. . . It reduces the targets Agility, Reexes, Stamina, and Strength c Swift 3 by 1 each hour. Bats are nocturnal, and are able to make their bear and the brown bear. . served for a thousand years as the Kolats eyes and ears within the Imperial City rst Otosan Uchi and later Toshi Ranbo. Many of them actively sought ways to somehow assassinate Togashi, but none of their schemes bore fruit. Within a generation, however, a problem devel- under the very nose of the Kami Shinjo. 24 Brutal Power . Although the vast ate some kind of nal meaning, an ultimate pattern to the uni-bulk of humanity adored the Kami from the moment they saw verse? . 199 Death and the Rokugani. .132, Gauging the Threat . . For them the Empire is a sin it has been strong for far too long. Now that he was no longer bound by had seen many forms of exotic magic but had never actually his own body there seemed no way to keep him imprisoned encountered the maho spells and seductive ideology of the once Togashi Yamatsus willpower failed. . . . . . . . This ter the Seppun Shugenja who safeguard the Emperor, is taskedAdvantage cannot be used in environments where it would with protecting the Kolats headquarters, the Hidden Temple.be impossible to make contact with your spy network (e.g. 10 Fierce But Often Forgotten Enemies of Rome Read Later Print Rome, this very name conjures up images of an ancient empire so vast that experts from different ages have been spellbound by the unprecedented magnanimity of its reaches. Lion lands are noted for their rich supplies of game. . . REFLEXES 4 - - PERCEPTION 3 AIR 2 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 1 Initiative: 4k4 Attack: None REFLEXES 4 STAMINA 2 AGILITY 3 PERCEPTION 3 Damage: None Armor TN: 20 Wounds: 5: +10; 10: Dead Initiative: 5k4 Attack: Bite 4k3 (Complex) Skills: Athletics 5 Damage: 2k2 (bite) Armor TN: 25 Special Abilities: Reduction: 3 Wounds: 12: +10; 24: Dead c Swift 3 Skills: Athletics 2, Stealth 3 MONKEY (SARU) Special Abilities: Far more numerous than their larger ape cousins, monkeys c Swift 2 are found in many parts of the Rokugani mainland as well as on the Mantis Isles. . . . . . Enemies of the Empire features an array of challenges for players, and opportunities for gamemasters and players alike to add new flavor and new dangers to their travels in the Emerald Empire. . However, a combination of a Roc agent is dispatched to deliver whatever might be re- his own will and Kolat intervention saved him from becoming quired. . Assyrian armies marched beyond their own borders to expand their empire, seeking booty to finance their plans for still more conquest and power. : 0400611.txt Edition: 1 Language: English . . . The kansen share their dark secrets withall those willing to learn.MASTERY RANK ONEHEART OF THE DAMNED c Ring/Mastery: Earth 1 (Maho) c Range: Touch c Area of Effect: Caster c Duration: Instantaneous c Raises: None, SUCK THE MARROW This spell is favored by Bloodspeaker cell leaders, who use it to maintain psychological dominance over their followers. The tionalize and justify his behavior. . Some of the surviving Bloodspeakers would emulate Yajinden andIn the year 1165, Iuchiban escaped from his Tomb for the second seek refuge in the Spider Clan, while others went completelyand last time. Enemies of the Empire. 21 The Fall of the Moto. . . . Have fun with it: Strange Creatures of Rokugan.pdf . Even the few magistrates who investigate Kolat activities seldom recognize the danger they are in until it is too late. . . . . . . .172 Monstrous Plants . . Contents 1 Credits 2 Contents 2.1 Introduction (page 5) 2.2 Chapter 1: Bestiary (page 9) OF THE. 30 A Brief History . . . The lord of the Crane, recipient of Passion, publicly confessed his love for a geisha half his age, then com- mitted suicide by leaping into the Sea of Amaterasu. It was adequate to deal with the boorish Shanegon, he felt, but for it to be successful without bringing attention to himself, he required an unwitting agent, someone highly competent and with an obvious vendetta against the Kolat. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. . . . There are c Raises: Duration (+1 Round per 2 Raises) some reports of powerful Lost or maho-tsukai being able to switch into the other body rather than be destroyed, but these tales are not conrmed. Without Iuchiban, there would be noBloodspeakers. AIR 2 EARTH 1 FIRE 2 WATER 1REFLEXES 4 STAMINA 2 AGILITY 3 STRENGTH 3Initiative: 5k4 Attack: Bite 3k3 (Complex) c Jet Propulsion: A squid or octopus may re a jet ofDamage: 3k1 (bite) water to move at a greatly increased rate. Skillful GMs can build a very frightening world The Cults cell structure is created and driven by the need to out of such a storyline, a dark fun-house mirror where thesurvive above all else. But if men overthrew thesebe quickly defeated by the Kami and their rapidly growing gods and ruled themselves, it would be men who ultimatelyarmies of followers. Even so, the Tiger Master often functions the poisoning and subsequent death. Crocodiles hunt by lying still, either appearing to be Elephants are striking creatures, very large and surpris-logs or disappearing below the surface of the water, then ingly intelligent. . In the aftermath of Iuchibans third defeat, Yajinden is the In a very real sense the name Jama Suru is more of a ti-only living member of the original three founders of the cult. . . The GM might also consider The stats below represent a typical medium-sized ape. . . . Really, Hikaru, I thought you werewith a nod. . . . . These fallen samurai whoturn to the Kolat are convinced their sacrifices are nec-essary to free the rest of humanity from their own fate. . . The spells victim begins hearing constant whispers inside his head, voices urging him to sinful and corrupt behavior. . . . . Delve into the conspiracies of the Kolat, the tainted ravings of the Lost, and the silent terror of the Lying Darkness. . Childrens stories no doubt, told to misbehaving boys. . . Takasho would Jama, filled with the same bitterness at being overlookedjoin forces with a Lion magistrate, Akodo Minobe, and the two and destined to a life of servitude solely due to the acci-would eventually uncover the truth about Otomo Jama. Bloodspeakers are entranced by the common with all others. If the GM is going to make the Kolat into the central own sense of superiority to believe a monstrous conspiracy focus of the campaign, the players will probably need to have was lurking undetected within the Empire. GOAT (KAMOSHIKA) Rokugani goats are among the largest species of goat in the world, standing up to three feet tall and weighing up to 290 pounds. . However, this also means Master Roc can leave the Empire without fear, knowing the Qolat will be waiting on the far side of the desert. . At first, the republic was just a weak city-state, with an area of about 350 square miles. . . . . . discredited and isolated. . Although the cults senior leaders and most powerful sorcerers usually recognize Power is the main focus of the Cult of the Blood Red Moon. In the summer of the year 750 he made the mistake of trying to pos- sess the body of Togashi Yamatsu, an Ise Zumi monk in the Dragon court. . *. . . .152 The Ningyo . . resumed a calm expression. . . . Taint Rank: 3.2 Although this spell has no obvious or immediate side-effects, Skills: Calligraphy 2, Courtier (Manipulation) 5, Defense 3, using it repeatedly will have a price the maho-tsukai will Etiquette 5, Horsemanship 3, Intimidation (Control) 6, Ken- acquire a desiccated, almost mummied appearance, making jutsu 3, Knives 5, Lore: Gaijin 3, Lore: Heraldry 4, Lore: his true nature increasingly difcult to conceal. . . . . . . . . . . . Captivity within the Tomb alongside his master humbled Yajinden, but he never regained his old worshipful loyalty to his master. . . . . . . . CRANE (TSURU) Wild crane in ight are the subject of numerous Rokugani poems and paintings. . . directly. To some, the word means nothing. . . 245Oni of the Shadowlands . . . . . It is staffed heavily by weeks undergoing physical and mental torture in a carefulshugenja but also includes scholars and historians of many mixture, using both mundane and supernatural means. . He tries to keep the cell undercover as much enemy. . characters a slight advantage over their enemies canModern role-playing tradition is for the rst book of a new increase enjoyment of the game and provide oppor- 7line to introduce lots of inhuman creatures for your adventur- tunities for the characters to be successful early iners to ght and kill in order to gain glory in the name of their their careers. Spider Clan fans will discover more than to its wounds. accompanied by them is this Useful Enemies Islam And The Ottoman Empire In Wes Pdf that can be your partner. . . . . . The power of the mask causes the zombie to obey c Voice whoever attached the mask, making it a reliable undead servant. . . ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE BURNING BLOOD MASTERY LEVEL 6 c Ring/Mastery: Fire 4 (Maho) TAKE THE BODY c Range: 50 c Area of Effect: One target creature c Ring/Mastery: Air 6 (Maho) c Duration: Instantaneous c Range: 500 c Raises: Damage (+1k0 per Raise), Range (+10 per c Area of Effect: Caster and one target person c Duration: Permanent Raise), Targets (+1 target per 3 Raises) c Raises: Range (+500 per Raise), Special (cast as a This horrible spell infuses the targets bloodstream with angry single Simple Action with 4 Raises) Fire kansen, causing his blood to superheat and boil through his skin, emerging as a cloud of reddish vapor. . . . as PDF for free. . recover from injury and sickness. . . . . When comparing Wounds, in particular one Welcome to Enemies of the Empire. . 142 History of the Five Races: of the Hungry Dead. . . . Few Silk Sect agents actually died whenthe Hidden Temple fell, but the loss oftheir central headquarters left themhelpless, unable to report their infor-mation or put it to use. . 150 New Mechanics: of Blessed Ancestors . Individual Kolat agents must live and the knowledge held within any one Masters mind would their real lives awlessly, whether they be samurai or peas- be enough to destroy the entire Kolat if it fell into the wrong ants, without failing in their duties to the Kolat Masters. 54ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE The Origins of Iuchiban . On equallythe creatures that populate the Empire, but also the people balanced opponents, these should be relatively equal,that the samurai of the Great Clans are likely to encounter barring a strange combination of opponents such asin their travels. . They are imbued with dangerous Tainted kansen, and those who carry them for c Forbidden Knowledge (Maho, Gaijin) long periods of time must roll Earth at TN 10 to avoid gaining a point of Taint. Every agent in the Imperial City was required 38 to keep a vial of poison at all times, to be taken in case of discovery.The Kolat. . . . 83 Resources and Methods . . 56 The Alliance with the Crab . The food and water lose all nutritional value andTaint gain to 0. anyone who eats or drinks must roll Stamina at TN 20 or become severely ill, suffering a 3k0 penalty to all Skill,New Maho Spells Trait, and Spell Casting rolls. . . . 245 Special Abilities . . . He is dismayed by the schism between the Masters over the Kolats policies, and increas- ingly believes there is no need to destroy the last vestiges of Celestial involvement in the mortal realm. . . . . . . . . . As you like, then. He turned to Ito.That is the sad effect of their duty, which they perform val- Be careful to unhood the falcon only when we have gameiantly, he added, seeing Hikarus face darken. . They have ears almost anywhere a samurai could be of Great Clan samurai in their lands. . Their interference alty collapsed once again, and he departed the cult to followdisrupted his ritual, and instead of stealing Iuchibans power Daigotsu and his newly formed Spider Clan. . In truth, he does not know yet what that plan might be, and so for the present the Black Wind simply maintains its dark faith and builds its wealth, avoid- ing attention. . . . . . . . . .105 A Sample Cult Cell: The Black Wind 26 Grand Guignol Horror . . Thomas Gianni, Paul Prof Herbert, Rob Hinds, Jon Hodgson. As one of the nest merchants in the entire Em- pire, he gravitated naturally to the Coin Sect, and quickly discovered his Master, Moshi Shanegon, was only competent by the barest of measures, vastly more concerned with his own well-being and comfort than the prosperity of the Coin Sect. .205 The Undead as Adversaries: Scourge of the Skies . . . 55 (Rokugani Pre-History). The world he was destined to rule was deniedhim by the simple injustice of birth, and his name wouldbe forgotten by antiquity. . . . A new dynasty took power withpectedly returned from the Burning Sands. . . . They are little more than animals, but cunning warriors just the same. . . . . . . . . The Empire paid dearly for his anger. . . . . . . .170 Shadowlands Beasts. . The matic, while a Phoenix might become more arrogant and ob- caster writes the ward in the blood he spill to cast the spell, sessed with magical power. . . The Burning Sands were once a lush and fertile realm before the Heavens wrath reduced it to dry dunes, After the fall of the Hidden Temple, the Jade Sect largely bleached rocks, and embattled oases. It can leapcons are far more swift than eagles, eagles are known for and glide great distances, using a web of skin that connectstheir surprising strength and have even been known to make its front and rear paws on each side. . to advance its cause. . . .172 Trolls . solely because of their childish fight. . It is impossible to say that death has truly defeatedIuchiban. All too often Coin Sect.samurai are forced to choose between their lord andthemselves. . The Hiruma see specters in every shadow, Kitaro said. Two agents reporting to differentMasters may be separately tasked to interfere with thesame group of samurai without ever knowing abouteach other. . .115 Organization of a Conspiracy: Abomination . Thus the Tiger may suddenly become cheap forgeries the method has innite be considered rst among equals. His comrades agreed, and the Kolat was born.Tora recognized that merely resisting or resenting the rule ofthe Kami offered no future. . . . . . . . . . While their solitary be- duced Traits return at the end of 24 hours if the victim havior may make them seem less dangerous than lions, tigers survives. . . . . While there are so as to avoid risking accidentally exposing a Cult cell inoften schisms, most Bloodspeaker cells are not exposed by another territory.betrayal. . . . . 77 Learning Name Magic Spells. . . zumi, rat-like creatures that I heard of and witnessed during my training with the Hiruma family of the Crab Clan. . . . . Yajinden succumbed quickly to the older mans dark charisma and promises of took the extreme experiment of placing the rst and most pow- power and glory. . . Download or read book Allies and Enemies: Empire written by Amy J. Murphy and published by Amy J. Murphy. 41 A Naga Diplomat in a Daimyos Mastery Level 5 . . If an army is needed the Kolat Resources and Methods will try to maneuver the forces of one of the clans into do- ing the work instead. . 41 Naga Specific Disadvantages. . . After all, most bear on the problem. 176 Meido, The Realm of Waiting . . The symbol must beA ritual spell rst used by the notorious Doji Nashiko, this spell inscribed into a at surface (wall, oor, etc) when it is cast.is also employed by many other maho-tsukai, and has found The moment anyone who is not a loyal member of the Blood-its way into the repertoire of several Bloodspeaker Cult cells. . . . . . . . . . . . A more tropical variety of tiger isuse this to advertise their hunting prowess to potential em- found in the Ivory Kingdoms and these beasts have sometimesployers. . . This is the work of the Dream Sect,with espionage, magic, blackmail, and mental conditioning, which specializes in the strange and unnatural task of creat- ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREis maintained and studied by the Cloud Sect. The animal is a herbivore and normally docile, but will not hesi- tate to drive off threatening intruders. The caster must touch a recently-dead human corpseThe secret methods of the Bloodspeaker Cult were pioneered (dead within the last day) when casting the spell. . . . Fortunately, those who perished never exposed the Dynasty, it will likely be the work of Master Coin.conspiracys existence. . . . . . . . While ing competitions are common diversions at many courts. . AIR 2 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 1 REFLEXES 4 - AGILITY 2 PERCEPTION 2 AIR 1 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 2 Initiative: 4k4 Attack: Teeth 3k2 (Complex)REFLEXES 5 - AGILITY 4 PERCEPTION 4 Armor TN: 25 Damage: 1k1 (cannotInitiative: 5k5 Attack: beak/talons (Complex) explode) Wounds: 6: +5; 12: DeadDamage: 2k2 5k4 Skills: Athletics 5 Armor TN: 30 Special Abilities: Wounds: 7: +5; 15: Dead c Glider: The squirrel can glide from higher locations toSpecial Abilities: lower ones as a Complex Action. . . To a few, how- them with their answer: Shinsei, the Little Teacher, whose wis-ever, it holds the power of life and death, and with its simple dom enabled the early Empire to withstand Fu Lengs assault.utterance it can transform a single life or kill hundreds. The enemy of empire poses a special problem for Israel's identity . . . . . . . . If the victim rolls Stamina at TN 20, the Dazed effectOctopi are aquatic eight-tentacled creatures with soft and lasts only two rounds instead.swollen bodies, inhabiting the waters off of Rokugans coasts.Squid are similar to octopi but have a tougher body, longer SHARK (AOIZAME) Bestiaryand more dangerous tentacles, and a larger beak-like mouth.There are dozens of octopus and squid species local to Roku- There are several varieties of shark native to Rokugans wa- 15gan, and many are very small and harmless. May be separately tasked to interfere with thesame group of samurai without knowing! 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