City Watch Check out how this page has evolved in the past. Skill Expert You love music and song. Soldier Your Dexterity score increases by 2. Infernal Constitution Not drastically at least. Circle of Twilight With their unearthly grace and fine features, elves appear hauntingly beautiful to humans and members of many other races. Oath of Redemption Witchlight Hand, Black Fist Double Agent See pages that link to and include this page. They live much longer than humans, however, often exceeding 180 years. Description. The grugach fight to the death to preserve their realms. Divine Communications An elf typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old. View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). Elves take up adventuring out of wanderlust. The Genie Scion of Elemental Water Ranger Spells Mage Slayer School of Conjuration They reply to petty insults with disdain and to serious insults with vengeance. Something does not work as expected? Courtier Stojanow Prisoner Soulknife (2019) Cobalt.StickyElement.initialize($('.sidebar-menu')); Ability Score Increase. Click here to edit contents of this page. Druid Spells Thrown Arms Master Drow adventurers are rare, and the race does not exist in all worlds. Still, they can find good in just about anyone. Half-elves are more or less the same size as humans, ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall. Life is full of dangers, but you are ready for them. View and manage file attachments for this page. Genie Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. At the time, their +2 Charisma increase and their +1 flexible increase were allowed to stack, allowing them to start with 18 Charisma. Elves are ancient and wise. Creatures of magic with strong ties to nature, eladrin live in the twilight realm of the Feywild. Circle of the Land They provide options whether you are exploring, conversing, or in the thick of combat. Revived You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). Dwarven Fortitude Stalker Their eyes are green, brown, or hazel. Tandem Tactician They commonly have very pale eyes (so pale as to be mistaken for while) in shades of lilac, silver, pink, red, and blue. When you succeed on a death save, you can regain a number of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (choose when you select this race). Elf. Agent of Order You hate going without such comforts. Mage of High Sorcery They live in places of ethereal beauty, in the midst of ancient forests or in silvery spires glittering with faerie light, where soft music drifts through the air and gentle fragrances waft on the breeze. This wiki hosts DND 5e content that is setting-specific, play-test content, or unofficial 'homebrew' content. // ]]>. Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. Strong melee options include Booming Blade, Green Flame Blade, Shocking Grasp and Sword Burst, while ranged Bladesinger's can consider Chill Touch, Firebolt, Ray of Frost or Sapping Sting. They are more slender than humans, weighing only 100 to 145 pounds. Welcome to this Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition wiki. Slasher This glow can be suppressed or renewed for an hour . In many of the worlds of D&D, there are two kinds of high elves. Path of the Wild Soul, College of Creation Empathic Righteous Heritor ", Child Names: Ara, Bryn, Del, Eryn, Faen, Innil, Lael, Mella, Naill, Naeris, Phann, Rael, Rinn, Sai, Syllin, Thia, Vall, Male Adult Names: Adran, Aelar, Aramil, Arannis, Aust, Beiro, Berrian, Carric , Enialis, Erdan, Erevan, Galinndan, Hadarai, Heian, Himo, Immeral, Ivellios, Laucian, Mindartis, Paelias, Peren, Quarion, Riardon, Rolen, Soveliss, Thamior, Tharivol, Theren, Varis, Female Adult Names: Adrie, Althaea, Anastrianna, Andraste, Antinua, Bethrynna, Birel, Caelynn, Drusilia, Enna, Felosial, Ielenia, Jelenneth, Keyleth, Leshanna, Lia, Meriele, Mialee, Naivara, Quelenna, Quillathe, Sariel, Shanairra, Shava, Silaqui, Theirastra, Thia, Vadania, Valanthe, Xanaphia, Family Names (Common Translations): Amakiir (Gemflower), Amastacia (Starflower), Galanodel (Moonwhisper), Holimion (Diamonddew), Ilphelkiir (Gemblossom), Liadon (Silverfrond), Meliamne (Oakenheel), Nai'lo (Nightbreeze), Siannodel (Moonbrook), Miloscient (Goldpetal). Some are prone to melancholy, while others display an absence of feeling. While other elves traveled from realm to realm, the sea elves navigated the deepest currents and explored the waters across a hundred worlds. Every copse of trees becomes a sniper's nest, and each forest meadow is an ambush point. Others, in contrast, throw themselves into the thick of society, putting their charisma and social skills to great use in diplomatic roles or as swindlers. This wiki hosts DND 5e content that is setting-specific, play-test content, or unofficial 'homebrew' content. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. Nature Domain Mechanically, there's a lot to like about this race. The Eladrin and the Shadar-kai offer teleportation for martial builds, especially non-casters. View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). Scion of Elemental Earth Way of Tranquility, Avatar That light manifests as a starry gleam in an astral elfs eyes. School of Chronurgy They are comfortable with technology, and work as planners, architects, aether-seers, or inventors. Healer Speed. Armorer Noble Genie Dragon Casualty Append content without editing the whole page source. Toil is for drudges. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under, Brought to You By RedLine Technik | Since they are so long-lived, they can enjoy centuries of exploration and discovery. Battle Master Knowledge Domain Secret Identity Striving to live in harmony with nature, they celebrate the ties between their communities and their connection with the broader world around them. 5E homebrew with sprinkles. College of Lore Favored Soul They often have hair of silver-white, black, or blue, but various shades of blond, brown, and red are not uncommon. Graceful arches, swooping from spire to spire, soared through the air. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. Elves can live well over 700 years, giving them a broad perspective on events that might trouble the shorter lived races more deeply. Rough and wild looking, a human stalks alone through the shadows of trees, hunting the orcs he knows are planning a raid on a nearby farm. Keys From the Golden Vault. The day's march had been difficult, but the reward at the end was beyond their dreams. See pages that link to and include this page. Because nothing ages on the Astral Plane, astral elves who inhabit that plane can be very old, and their longevity gives them an unusual perspective on the passage of time. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. The other type is more common and more friendly, and often encountered among . Tools Aquatic elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and have slender builds. Once they were fey like the rest of their elven kin, and now they exist in a strange state between life and death. Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Orcish Aggression Planar Wanderer Eladrin are elves native to the Feywild, a realm of beauty, unpredictable emotion, and boundless magic. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. Based in part on The Witcher, Blood Hunters sacrifice their own health - and blood- to use the power of hemocraft magic against evil. School of Evocation General documentation and help section. Inquisitive Remember that you can only Wild Shape twice per short rest, and the DMG's expectation of a normal adventuring day is 6-8 encounters per day with 2 short rests (See DMG Page 84: "The Adventuring Day"), so a single use of Wild Shape often needs to be able to last at least an entire fight on average. "Dwarves are dull, clumsy oafs. Conjuration Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and have slender builds. Eladrin are elves native to the Feywild, a realm of beauty, unpredictable emotion, and boundless magic. Heavy Armor Master Mage of Witherbloom, Arcane Archer Wood elven hair was usually black or brown, [1] although hues such as blond or copper red were also found. . Your size is Medium. They live much longer than humans, however, often exceeding 180 years. Thief, Aberrant Mind Iron Route Bandit Half-Elf Race Details. Uthgardt Tribe Member Yours should be a life of leisure. Oath of Devotion Others live with the elves, growing restless as they reach adulthood in the timeless elven realms, while their peers continue to live as children. Chef Find out what you can do. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Today, they live in small, hidden communities in the ocean shallows and on the Elemental Plane of Water. Undying, School of Abjuration General documentation and help section. Way of the Astral Self House Agent Using that magic, eladrin can step from one place to another in the blink of an eye, and each eladrin resonates with emotions captured in the Feywild in the form of seasons affinities that affect the eladrins mood and appearance. You share what you have, with little regard to your own needs. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Fade Away Half-elves use either human or elven naming conventions. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. Urchin Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. You maintain an intimidating front. The Blood Hunter 5e is a DnD homebrew class from the mind of Critical Role Dungeon Master Matt Mercer, but it's proven popular enough to get its own unofficial write-up on D&D Beyond. Sharpshooter As a high elf, you have a keen mind and a mastery of at least the basics of magic. You spend excessively on creature comforts. PHB is not free. Investigator (SCAG) Mage of Prismari Twilight Domain Their contact with outsiders is usually limited, though a few elves make a good living by trading crafted items for metals (which they have no interest in mining). Some elves traveling among humans translate their family names into Common, but others retain the Elvish version. Animal Handler View wiki source for this page without editing. Males and females are about the same height, and males are only marginally heavier than females. Wood elves skin tends to be copperish in hue, sometimes with traces of green. Also called dark elves. Elves coloration encompasses the normal human range and also includes skin in shades of copper, bronze, and almost bluish-white, hair of green or blue, and eyes like pools of liquid gold or silver. Great Old One Crafted by ancient dwarven metalsmiths, they were strong enough to hold the weight of an army, yet they appeared so delicate that a bird lighting on them might overthrow the balance. I personally like the idea of shifting hair and/or eye colors depending on the season. Oath of Treachery Shadow fey knights of the road stalk the lands near shadow gates, or the shadow roads themselves, ever-watchful for opportunities to enrich themselves or improve their station, be it through robbery . If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. Rejecting his heritage and adrift in a world that looks upon him with terror and loathing, Drizzt is a model for those few drow who follow in his footsteps, trying to find a life apart from the evil society of their Underdark homes. Oath of Conquest Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Wild Magic, Archfey Fisher Usually, true elves were a naturally slender and athletic race. You can finish a long rest in 4 hours if you spend those hours in a trancelike meditation, during which you remain conscious. Mercenary Veteran Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. They feel no special duty to anyone beyond their own folk and the forest that is their home. School of Transmutation Shaped by draconic gods or the dragons themselves, dragonborn originally hatched from dragon eggs as a unique race, combining the best attributes of dragons and humanoids. Many elves devote large portions of their youth to the use of bow and blade rather than the study of magic. Dragonmark Defensive Duelist A sun elf (top) and a wood elf shooting archery together. Knight of the Crown Noble Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. Lurker in the Deep Elves love nature and magic, art and artistry, music and poetry, and the good things of the world. Way of the Four Elements Drow isn't in the Basic Rules, and therefore isn't available for free. Overwhelming force can solve almost anything. Your needs come first. Walking in two worlds but truly belonging to neither, half-elves combine what some say are the best qualities of their elf and human parents: human curiosity, inventiveness, and ambition tempered by the refined senses, love of nature, and artistic tastes of the elves. Knight of the Rose, Master of Disguise Drow who develop a conscience or find it necessary to cooperate with members of other races find it hard to overcome that prejudice, especially when they are so often on the receiving end of hatred. Their eyes are green, brown, or hazel. //param[str](optional) css selector to search for headings in Trinkets Half elf's not a complete human nor elf's, they are like humanoids who look half-humans and half elf. A comprehensive list of all official spells for Fifth Edition. Solidarity Domain Luminescent The skin of a ghost elf naturally glows with a soft white light that is as bright as a candle (illuminating 5' around them). This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Oath of the Watchers, Revised Ranger The elven city opened its arms lovingly to the wilderness. Click here to edit contents of this page. Your size is Medium. Dungeon Delver by Wizards of the Coast. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Create account or Sign . Forge Domain Elf Weapon Training (High or Wood Elf Heritage), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Humanoid (aarakocra) Medium. Ranger No Spells I have never imagined such beauty existed, Goldmoon said softly. The elves of Zendikar have much in common with the elves of other worlds. h. Arcanist Sharpshooter, Way of the Ascendant Dragon You believe that direct confrontation is the best way to solve problems. Cohort of Chaos Knight of Solamnia Neutral Good. School of Technomancy Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). Shade Fanatic They have been known to retreat from intrusions into their woodland homes, confident that they can simply wait the invaders out. Rune Carver Adept Practiced Expert As such, random generation doesn't make sense. Polearm Master Investigator Wood elves tended to dress in simple clothes, similar to those of the moon . Artificer Initiate Assassin Elves have no facial and little body hair. Phlan Insurgent These glistening arches were the city's only boundaries; there was no wall around Qualinost. Soul Knife Rune Knight For previous versions of the Eladrin, see our Elf Handbook. Size. They are slightly shorter than humans on average, ranging from well under 5 feet tall to just over 6 feet. Battle Smith, Path of the Ancestral Guardian Fey Teleportation View wiki source for this page without editing. Source: Eberron - Rising from the Last War, Source: Unearthed Arcana 46 - Elf Subraces. Also called dark elves. Creatures of magic with strong ties to nature, eladrin live in the twilight realm of the Feywild. //param[bool] should the menu have the sticky-element class Oath of the Watchers Drow High Magic Human nobles compete for the services of elf instructors to teach swordplay or magic to their children. But when the need arises, elves reveal a stern martial side, demonstrating skill with sword, bow, and strategy. View and manage file attachments for this page. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. An elf typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old. You speak only to point out the flaws in others plans. School of Necromancy Their eyes are golden, silver, or black. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Welcome to this Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition wiki. Elves are a magical people of otherworldly grace, living in the world but not entirely part of it. Everything dies eventually. To most, they are a race of demon-worshiping marauders dwelling in the subterranean depths of the Underdark, emerging only on the blackest nights to pillage and slaughter the surface dwellers they despise. Tasha's introduced the Customizing Your . Marketplace. They are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. Dwarves are dull, clumsy oafs. Races. 6. Dragonborn. Rune Carver Apprentice (Revised) Hey @JeremyECrawford we fans or @dndoptimized wanna know if Custom Lineage Characters who are part elf can get the Elven Accuracy Feat. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Adept of the Red Robes Right off the bat all elves get +2 to their dexterity stat block. If someone is in need, you never withhold aid. Vigor of the Hill Giant (Revised) Darkvision. Remarkable Recovery Grey elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and any weapon with the word "elven" in its name. Tajuru elves are the most open to people of other races, seeing their skills and perspectives as valuable new tools for survival. You do everything with enthusiasm, even the most mundane chores. Prismari Student Poisoner Mage of Quandrix Fey Touched They come with darkvision and automatically have keen senses meaning all elves are proficient in perception - a pretty important skill in 5e D&D. Because of the Fey ancestors from the elf bloodline, all elves have advantage on . Still, they can find good in just about anyone. Flail Mastery As a high elf, you have a keen mind and a mastery of at least the basics of magic. They tend to remain aloof and unfazed by petty happenstance. An eladrin is associated with one of the four seasons and has coloration reminiscent of that season, which can also affect the eladrin's mood: Some eladrin remain associated with a particular season for their entire lives, whereas other eladrin transform, adopting characteristics of a new season. Also, do not feel constrained by effects that are strictly defined by the rules. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under. In fact, much of Kaladeshs food supply is grown by elves. But what they lack in humor, sophistication, and manners, they make up in valor. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under. Strike of the Giants Tavern Brawler Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it. Mastermind Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. And I must admit, their best smiths produce art that approaches elven quality., Halflings. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. College of Spirits Initiate of High Sorcery As if to emphasize that they dont really fit in to either society, half-elves raised among humans are often given elven names, and those raised among elves often take human names. They value and protect others' freedom as well as their own, and they are more often good than not. Hermit General documentation and help section. The sun elves of Faerun (also called gold elves or sunrise elves) have bronze skin and hair of copper, black, or golden blond. Path of the Beast Thanks to your elf blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and have slender builds. Divinely Favored Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Although elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, the elven understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. You stock up on fine food and drink. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it (choose when you select this race). In Faern, wood elves (also called wild elves, green elves, or forest elves) are reclusive and distrusting of non-elves. Divine Soul Shield Training Echo Knight View and manage file attachments for this page. See pages that link to and include this page. Perceptive Menacing Poisons Find out what you can do. This subrace provides the following stats in addition to the Elf basic stats: Ghost Elf (Marya) Ability Score Increase Your Constitution score increases by 1. Guile of the Cloud Giant Even other elves draw their suspicion. Knight of the Order Artificer Spells Knight of the Rose College of Swords An elf typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. Elves stood on average 5460 (1.61.8 m) and weighed 130170 lb (5977 kg). Gift of the Gem Dragon Cavalier Keen Mind Check with your DM to see if what you find here is a good fit for your table if you are going to be using it in play. Squat Nimbleness They chafe at rules, resent others demands, and sometimes prove unreliable, or at least unpredictable. Elves' coloration encompasses the normal human range and also includes skin in shades of copper, bronze, and almost bluish-white, hair of green or blue, and eyes like pools of liquid gold or silver. Scion of Elemental Fire Tower of Iron Will If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. Better to be hungry today and have food for tomorrow. Survivalist Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. See pages that link to and include this page. Graceful arches, swooping from spire to spire, soared through the air. Folk Hero When choosing their leveled spells, Bladesinger's should consider action economy during combat. Their hair tends toward browns and blacks, but it is occasionally blond or copper-colored. Protection Domain Fury of the Frost Giant (Revised) Linguist Elves are a magical people of otherworldly grace, living in places of ethereal beauty, in the midst of ancient forests or in silvery spires glittering with faerie light, where soft music drifts through the air and gentle fragrances waft on the breeze. The Eladrin is arguably the "original" version of the elf in DnD lore, reflecting elves who never left the Feywild. While technically a subrace for elves, the eladrin are unique and diverse enough on their own to deserve a bit of the spotlight. The Tajuru are also more open to new lifestyles, be it living in a mountaintop citadel or roaming grassy plains. Gruul Anarch Burglar Speed. //param[str](optional) css selector(s) to ignore They live in places of ethereal beauty, in the midst of ancient forests or in silvery spires glittering with faerie light, where soft music drifts through the air and gentle fragrances waft on the breeze. Your race indicates the languages your character can speak by default, and your background might give you access to one or more additional languages of your choice. Telepathic School of Invention Elemental Touched Far Traveler Four slender spires rose from the citys corners like glistening spindles, their brilliant white stone marbled with shining silver. Most elves dwell in small forest villages hidden among the trees. Whenever you finish a long rest using your Trance trait, you gain two proficiencies, each one with a weapon or a tool of your choice (selected from the Equipment chapter of the Players Handbook). Actor Clutching a shortsword in each hand, he becomes a whirlwind of steel, cutting down one enemy after another. Since they are so long-lived, they can enjoy centuries of exploration and discovery. Cartomancer See pages that link to and include this page. Fury of the Frost Giant No more than one in a hundred elves is counted among the Tirahar, and many members of other races are unaware that these reclusive elves even exist. Transmutation, Acolyte Mountain. In the world of the Forgotten Realms, Drizzt Do'Urden, ranger of the North, has proven his quality as a good-hearted defender of the weak and innocent. Theologian High Elf. Wizards of the Coast, Dungeons & Dragons, and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the United States and other countries. Critter Friend School of Enchantment True Name: Vundarol, Gherg, Karkol, Sagokik, Jutface False Elf Traits . 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