The Samaritans saw themselves as the true descendants of Israel and preservers of the true religion, while considering the Jerusalem temple and Levitical priesthood illegitimate. She came to draw water at the hottest part of the day, instead of the usual morning or evening times, because she was shunned and rejected by the other women of the area for her immorality. Let Him give you His water today. Lord, let me realize my weakness and my need for a Savior day after day. Samaritan woman was blessed to believe that Jesus was the promised Messiah. But it was not altogether for their We have to do some historical time travel. True worship will be done in spirit and in truth. Hes especially interested in the ministry to save women. Dustyn Elizabeth Keepers is a Ph.D. candidate in Systematic Theology at Wheaton College Graduate School. fastest and most direct, though it required travelling through Samaria. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. On its surface, the story chronicles ethnic prejudice and a woman shunned by her community. She struggled with shame, which is evident by the time of the day she journeyed to the well. He shall never thirst he shall never want that which will abundantly satisfy his souls desires; they are longing, not languishing. The Samaritan woman was so ashamed of her lifestyle when she met Jesus. In reply Jesus said: A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. Though we are not told this womans name, she has the longest conversation with Jesus of any character in the book of John. It is only in Jesus that we will be saved from our sins and made new in Christ (Titus 3:5, Galatians 2:20). They comfort us as we examine the evidence of Gods grace, mercy, and forgiveness in their lives and help us to see how we can relate to them. (Read Philippians 3:13-14). Thus, God warned, they would be overtaken by conquerors. Article Images Copyright , What We Can Learn from Ruth and Naomi - Women in the Bible, a series, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. After asking the Samaritan woman for a drink, He responds to her by offering her something greater. What did Jesus mean when He said, You worship what you do not know in John 4:22? By making this request, Jesus was accomplishing a few different things: Jesus was helping her to understand her need for the living water that He was offering her. She drops her water jar and rushes back to the village and says to everyone she meets, Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done. If you are a Bible study teacher, you are free to allow this content to influence the lessons you teach or the sermons you present. 7 Myths about Modesty Christians Should Stop Believing, 8 Reasons Why It's Hard to Separate from a Narcissist, The Unexpected Food That Sparked a Reformation, Boy Turns All The Judges In Seconds With Dont Stop Believin Audition, 13-Year-Old Turns Into Viral Sensation With 'Moon River' Blind Audition - Audition Videos, 30 Morning Prayers to Start Each Day with God, 6 Guiding Verses about Family Relationships. He is not surprised by our evil desires, but rather He seeks to reconcile us to the Father in spite of them (Hebrews 7:25). What is the Significance of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman. As far Jesus did it to set women free to access the gospel in full. JOHN 4:7-9 7 A Samaritan woman came to draw water. They established as their center of worship a temple on Mount Gerizim, claiming it was where Moses had originally intended for the Israelites to worship. HOW can you offer better water? She has been married 5 times, and is currently living in unrepentant sin, by living with her boyfriend (John 4:16-18). John 4:1-42). Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.. We see in John 4:6 that she had come to the well at the sixth hour. Ashamed. The Samaritan woman represents everyone who needs Jesus. See my full disclosure for more details. He broke through the cultural barriers in order to love others. Tired, He sat down at a well. She went back to She seemed surprised that Jesus, being a His request was very appropriate. Jews generally did not associate with these people because their ancestral roots were racially and religiously mixed. Perhaps most importantly, we should notice that Jesus does not condemn her status but simply acknowledges what you have said is true (4:18), as he continues to engage her in theological dialogue, to which we now turn. When we put our faith and trust in Him as the Living Water, we can bank on the fact that the well will never run dry (Psalm 37:4). conversation, that she is so well known. Jesus answered, "I who speak to you am he." Only God knows the fullness of her life and ours, but regardless of what her former life might One of his most famous parables is that of the good Samaritan. And not any Messiah, the One we meet is weary too. A knowledge which explains her astonished reaction and unbelief (v. 9). Jesus encounter with this woman brings to light four core beliefs or exhortations that modern-day Christians can learn. ", Summary of the Story of the Woman at the Well. Jacob's well was there." [1] John's Gospel goes on to describe a conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman (called Photini in Orthodox . The history of Samaria reminds us that no matter who you are or where you come from, there is Good News through Jesus Christ. When Jesus is our Messiah, He becomes the Lord of our life. Found. The Samaritans were people who lived in what had been the Northern Kingdom of Israel. When Jesus asked her for a drink of water her response was, How is it that You, being a Jew, ask me for a drink since I am a Samaritan woman? She questioned Jesus request because Jews didnt address Samaritans and men did not speak publically to women. A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Another of the characteristics of the Samaritan woman is about her spiritual condition. Most women would come early in the morning or late in the evening to collect water. We focus on the next best way to organize a closet. To get her to a place where she could be ready to receive eternal life and to call others to receive their freedom. I feel this vast amount of scripture affords us the opportunity explore and learn from their Of all the characteristics of the Samaritan woman, this one helps us to understand the spiritual mindset of the entire community in which she lived, LEARN MORE: Women of faith in the Bible: Characteristics and lessons. During his encounter with the woman at the well, Jesus broke three Jewish customs. Terms of Use: The contents of this blog post are restricted to your personal use only. He conveys these facts without the slightest sense of criticism or condemnation. Learn how Jesus shocked the woman at the well with his loving acceptance. She struggled with shame, which is evident by the time of the day she journeyed to the well. In the ninth year of Hoshea, the Assyrians took How to use Samaritan in a sentence. This has served as a good reference for teaching the upcoming Sunday School lesson. But she did this. If we continue reading the chapter, we find out that she had many husbands. It didnt help that the temple, where Gods people were to worship, was located in the southern kingdom. have been, in the end she had a good influence on those around her. The Samaritans had a very unusual history. Jesus and the woman discussed their views on worship, and the woman voiced her belief that the Messiah was coming. Italian (Venetian School), 1470-1531 c. 1520-1530 Oil on canvas Gift of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation. The Bible character we know as woman at the well has one of the most freeing testimonies in the Word of God. The Samaritan made a personal touch that ministered healing to the injured man. Tired and thirsty, Jesus sat by Jacob's well while his disciples went to the village of Sychar, roughly a half-mile away, to buy food. He says: Jesus answered her, If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. - John 4:10. It would have been the heat of the day and most people during that time would have been resting. First, Jesus is revealed as the Living Water (John 4:13-14). After the Jews in Babylon were released, they cut off those who had intermarriage claiming that they were no longer full-blooded Jews because they had betrayed Jewish customs. Her name is Photina. As the story progresses, we learn that this Samaritan woman comes to the well regularly at this time of day ( John 4:15 ).). But after meeting Jesus, she was soooo happy that she lost her shame. The Samaritans are also said to have expected the Messiah, as did the Jews; but they felt But one of her outstanding characteristics is that she was kind. It doesnt matter what others think about you, God has already forgiven your sin. Not only was she in adultery, but she also had a shameful past. For centuries Jews and Samaritans had rejected each other. The Samaritan woman's story exemplifies the grace of God. Salem Media Group. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Jesus has paused to wait on you, to give you living water. Jack Zavada is a writer who covers the Bible, theology, and other Christianity topics. Marriage and the Samaritan Woman - Volume 26 Issue 3. 5 Faith lessons from the woman with the issue of blood, Jesus and the rich young ruler 7 modern lessons from an old Bible story, 7 Powerful faith lessons from the prodigal son. [1] For a more detailed examination of the historical record on women and marriage in this time period and the Samaritan womans story in particular see Women in the World of the Earliest Christians by Lynn Cohick (Baker Academic, 2009), 99-128. The northern kingdom fared worse than the southern kingdom, with a long line of wicked rulers. Perhaps like the Samaritan woman, we need only acknowledge our place of brokenness, that place where we are attempting find satisfaction: I have no husband.. The Samaritans looked for the Christ and expected Him to be a prophet who would teach them. While Jesus was being eyed with revealed to her that He knew she had been married five times. What you have just said is quite true.Sir, the woman said, I can see that you are a prophet.. Firstly, she was poor. What do you hear the Spirit saying to you/your family/your church/your community. And yet,Jesus, in His divine intentionality sought to meet this specific woman at this specific time. Men did not usually speak to women alone in the absence of their husband or some other male from their family. All those details combined made her ready to receive Jesus. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. of Jesus and His disciples had left Judea and traveled north toward Galilee. Father, there is not greater transformational power than an encounter with you. Although Jesus was a male, Jewish stranger, she was kind enough to grant his request for water. Why did Jesus stop to talk to her? This was a. fulfillment of the prophecy (Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5-6) Fact #3: Mary was poor and was raised in a small, remote village called Nazareth. Then he helped her to understand what it meant to truly worship God. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. When she discovers his identity as the Messiah she leaves her water jar, much like the disciples left their nets, and becomes an effective evangelist to her community. What Does It Mean That "Your Life Is Hidden with Christ"? At this point, the woman realized He must be some kind of prophet. Jesus is the One who identifies with us in our weakness and meets us at our hour of need. All rights reserved. The Jews and Samaritans were related. She said to the people, Come and see a man who has told me everything Ive done! Jesus meets this Samaritan woman at Jacobs Well after a mornings journey and disregards social custom by asking her for a drink. People in the world, like the Samaritan woman at the well, need to know the consequences of their sin. This is the type of woman the Samaritan was. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I hope this post helped you to understand the meaning of the story of the Samaritan woman. The Samaritan woman Jesus met faced prejudice from her own community. Why is her nationality important? The Jewish attitude towards Samaritans is faithfully reflected in the New Testament, especially in Jesus' controversial choice of a "good Samaritan" to attack over-pious Jewish practices (Luke 10:30-37). The meaning of SAMARITAN is a native or inhabitant of Samaria. Maybe its a woman who you and others avoid because associating with her may switch on the rumor mill. Years ago as I pondered this poor soul we know as the Samaritan woman, I thought this is who I am, rejected, abandoned, full of shame, and longing for a drink of living water, but not even knowing what it was I longed for. Jesus acknowledged her past but he did not define her by it. But as if that weren't enough, he told the woman he could give her "living water" as a gift from God so that she would never thirst again. Let my weariness, my thirst, my longing for truth always bring me face to face with YOU. I Dont Want You To Join My Church, Be Added to His! If you would like to learn more about this Biblical character I encourage you to, first, do your own study of the scriptures, then consult a trusted commentary. conversation. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain Image/Nicolaes Roosendael. Thank you for the detailed lessons learnt from the Samaritan woman. For Jews have no dealings with . Instead, Jesus flipped the question. Only the poor were left. Find out more about herhere and on social media@alyssawrote. But look deeper, and you'll realize it reveals a great deal about Jesus' character. Women of certain status and wealth never went to draw water for themselves. John 4:7-19 Samaritan Woman. Like all women in Israelite society, the Samaritan woman too had to face derisive attitude and conceptous treatment. Fact #2: Mary was from the tribe of Judah and the lineage of David. What can we learn from the woman at the well? We no longer need the next best thing, because Jesus is the greatest thing that will ever happen to us. Your email address will not be published. Jesus took her through the process of seeing her need to change her life. But in this time period, it was not unreasonable. The Samaritan woman whom Jesus meets at Jacobs Well gleans much from her long conversation with Jesus. To fully grasp the story of the woman at the well, it's important to understand who the Samaritans were--a mixed-race people, who had intermarried with the Assyrians centuries before. 12 It is remarkable, for example, that in examining the Old Testament background of the expression 'living water' they concentrate on the symbols, Wisdom, Torah, Spirit, and ignore the figurative use of water in regard to women (for which, see below). They were hated by the Jews because of this cultural mixing and because they had their own version of the Bible and their own temple on Mount Gerizim. her life. Blessings. Who told you about Jesus? Many of the people of Israel were led off to Assyria as captives, but some remained in the land and intermarried with foreigners planted there by the Assyrians. We have been given a command and commission from Jesus Himself to go and tell the world what He has done for them. In my weakness He is made strong. She planned her day to escape the pain of her shame. The Samaritan woman had a past she was not proud of. And this caused a bitter feud between the two groups. She had not recognize Jesus from some past meeting, nor was she aware of His true identity. Above all, the story, which unfolds in John 4:1-40, suggests that Jesus is a loving and accepting God, and we should follow his example. Lord, help me to not be afraid to ask questions and search out truth my search for truth will always lead to you because you are the TRUTH. In 586 B.C., the southern kingdom of Judah fell to the Babylonian Empire once and for all, as the walls of Jerusalem were breached, the temple was destroyed, and the city walls torn down. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. And many believed because of her testimony (v. 39). And, third, he asked her to get him a drink of water, although using her cup or jar would have made him ceremonially unclean. The next of the characteristics of the Samaritan woman is a little less obvious. In 721 B.C., the northern kingdom of Israel fell to the Assyrians. At this point, Babylon had given way to the Persian Empire. "The Woman at the Well Bible Story Study Guide." Learn Religions. Because of His magnificent sacrifice, our life should exalt His name (Matthew 5:16). As he pressed the point, telling her that with this water she would never thirst again, her attitude became rotten. The Woman at the Well Bible Story Study Guide. To be kind is so rare nowadays with all the prejudice and racism painting our lives. Finally, this was not the closest well to where she lived. He knows our desires, and yet He still pursues us and loves us (Romans 3:23). Collect water adultery, but she also had a shameful past, it was not closest... 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