Here are the most common duties and responsibilities of the Support Operations Officer: Additionally, there is normally a Support Operations Officer at the Division Level. Availability and status of banking facilities in the AO. The SPO transportation section assisted in moving enabler teams and provided the transportation support required to move excess retrograde materiel. Mission:To perform waterborne transportation of personnel, cargo and equipment during intra-theater lift, water terminal, waterborne tactical and joint amphibious, riverine or Joints Logistics-Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) operations. ), D-109. Coordination may include arranging for administrative and logistic support for subordinate EOD units. IM representatives within the CP are positioned to best support the commander's intent, with priority normally to the G-3 (S-3) operations cell and other critical cells within the CP. Job Detail. During joint operations, comptroller functions are normally transferred to the ARFOR headquarters. Examples include training requirements for-, D-19. The ACOS, G-1/AG (S-1) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning human resources support (military and civilian). Coordinating health support requirements for NBC operations with the surgeon. Advising the commander so that all collection, production, and dissemination adhere to special security, legal, and regulatory restrictions. Coordinating real property control and fire protection for facilities. An aviation safety officer is authorized for corps staffs and all aviation units. Determining and planning training requirements for the entire force. The G-2 (S-2) has coordinating staff responsibility for the staff weather officer. The commander normally delegates executive management authority (equivalent to command of the staff) to the COS. Would you happen to have a checklist or SOP? Is the operations, security, and training officer. Corps and divisions are authorized a finance officer. Administrative support for military and civilian personnel, including leaves, passes, counseling, transfers, awards, and personal affairs. Counterterrorism and antiterrorism activities. Producing maps and terrain products (coordinating with the G-2 (S-2) for planning and distribution). Serves as the 1st Air Cavalry Brigades (ACB) Support Operations SGM; provides sustainment for over 6,000 ground vehicles and equipment, and 155 rotary wing aircraft; plans, coordinates, synchronizes and manages sustainment support for the ACB, including fuel, ammunition, transportation, mortuary affairs, Sustainment Support Management Office Assessing weather and terrain data to determine if environmental factors favor enemy use of weapons of mass destruction or, at corps level, friendly use of nuclear weapons. Determining supply requirements, except medical (with the support unit commander and the G-3 [S-3]). Historian responsibilities include-, D-112. Synchronizing command PSYOP with higher headquarters PSYOP. Determining liaison requirements, establishing liaison information exchange requirements, and receiving liaison teams. Publishing the OPSEC appendix to the IO annex to orders and plans. If a special staff officer is not assigned, the officer with coordinating staff responsibility for the field of interest assumes those functional responsibilities. Conducting NBC reconnaissance operations and coordinating them with the overall ISR plan. Coordinating with the SJA about advice to the commander on rules of engagement (ROE) when dealing with civilians in the AO. o rewrote and published the 39th IBCT transportation SOP which was adopted at state level and all MACOMs o decreased OPORD deficiencies by 40% and revised the OPORD production process; cleared a backlog of 20 past due OPORDs o ensured efficient and economic use of supplies and materials; conserved shop resources spo transportation officer duty description Notcias do Botafogo Orgulho de Ribeiro. The numbers might vary slightly based upon the structure of the brigade (i.e., light infantry brigade vs. maneuver brigade). Giving direction and guidance to the G-6 (S-6) and battle staff on how the CP supports the commander's exercise of C2. Electronic Warfare Officer. D-72. PERFORMING STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, D-27. The PSYOP officer is responsible for synchronizing PSYOP operations with those of other IO elements and echelons. Your email address will not be published. Staff Planning and Supervision. Analyzing personnel strength data to determine current capabilities and project future requirements. Providing estimates on the effects of space weather activities on current and future operations. The ACOS, G-1/AG (S-1) exercises coordinating staff responsibility over special staff officers as listed in figure D-1 on page D-26. Surgeon responsibilities include-, D-98. Coordinating procurement, storage, issue, and distribution of section equipment. Recommending command policy for collecting and disposing of excess property and salvage. Implementing resource control procedures and serving as the primary fund certifying officer. The SWO is an Air Force officer or noncommissioned officer who leads a combat weather team of two or more personnel. D-100. RM or comptroller responsibilities include-. Army Reserve Army National Guard Entry Level As a Transportation Officer, you'll manage all elements of distribution related to the planning, operation, coordination and evaluation of all modes of transportation (air, sea, rail, & ground), in order to move units, personnel, equipment, and supplies. Coordinating organizational clothing and individual equipment exchange and replacement. Headquarters commandant responsibilities include-. Establishing and providing automation configuration management for all INFOSYS hardware/software employed by the command. Exercising staff supervision and training over Army aviation operations. Recommending CP locations, based on the information environment. Retasking and refocusing collection assets during execution (considering recommendations from the rest of the staff). The SOO is responsible for providing space-related tactical support and coordination of space-based capabilities available to the command. Details About Spo Transportation Officer Duty Description With the help of CareHealthJobs, you can find out any spo transportation officer duty description that is available on our site. Determining requirements for forces and equipment based on the commander's priorities (with other staff elements and subordinate commands). Effective procedures provide continuity for completed staff actions and allow staff members and staff sections to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively. Casualty reporting, notification, and assistance. Facilitating staff presentation of RI according to quality criteria of accuracy, timeliness, usability, completeness, precision, and reliability. Maintaining the unit readiness status of each unit in the command. (See FM 5-0.) Integrating and managing the ISR effort through an integrated staff process and procedure. The CPO is responsible for managing and administering the civilian employee personnel management program. Ensuring staff work conforms to the mission, commander's guidance, and time available. Veterinary Officer. Failure to maintain running estimates may lead to errors or omissions that result in flawed plans or bad decisions. Treatment and disposition of enemy defectors and enemy prisoners of war (EPWs), civilian internees, and detainees, determined by the G-5. Within the Support Battalion, the Battalion XO manages the internal logistics to support the battalion (just like any other Battalion XO). It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Ensure a thorough understanding of the commander's intent. Approving the CSR after G-4/materiel management center input. It was really an eye opening experience as I had no idea what logistics was all about. Performing staff planning and supervising the special security office. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Providing technical assistance to supported units. The value of a close relationship between the commander and COS cannot be overstated. Staffs assess by analyzing reports, messages, and reports of staff visits and inspections. The G-2 (S-2) is responsible for intelligence readiness, intelligence tasks, intelligence synchronization, other intelligence support, counterintelligence, and support to security programs. Advising the commander on support requirements versus support assets available. The ACOS, G-2 (S-2) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning the enemy/threat, the environment as it affects the enemy/threat, intelligence, and counterintelligence. G-5 (S-5) responsibilities include-, D-73. Supervising the targeting and other cross-FLOT (forward line of own troops) planning cells. Staff members ensure that the intended recipients receive the commander's decisions and understand and execute them within the commander's intent. Advising on the effects of the medical threat-including, environmental, endemic, and epidemic diseases; nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) weapons; and directed-energy devices-on personnel, rations, and water. The historian is responsible for coordinating the documentation of the command's historical activities. The RM or comptroller is responsible for budget preparation and RM analysis and implementation. Coordinating IO with other agencies (such as the US Information Agency, US Agency for International Development, and US ambassador). This includes any command technical training within a staff member's field of interest. Monitoring commercial accounts, including paying for supplies, equipment, and services procured to support the CSS BOS. They analyze and clearly articulate information. The ACOS, G-3 (S-3) exercises coordinating staff responsibility over special staff officers as listed in figure D-1. At battalion and company level, the FSO serves as the FSCOORD for the maneuver commander. The following paragraphs discuss activities, responsibilities, and duties common to all staff members. Is this Chris Ikedi from UH ROTC program? Requesting and allocating individual, team, or crew replacements (according to G-3 [S-3] priorities). The inspector general, public affairs officer, and staff judge advocate are personal staff officers to the commander. Estimating the effect of a unit's radiation exposure state on mission assignments. Transportation officers are our Army's deployment and distribution experts, effectively supporting expeditionary forces. The G-3 (S-3) has coordinating staff responsibility for the following staff officers: Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 (S-4), Logistics. Staff estimates always include recommendations for anticipated decisions. The noncommissioned officer- in-charge of the 17th CSSB's Kan-dahar SPO transportation cell, who was the liaison and subject matter expert for the MCT and the RSY, was sent to the RSY to assess and improve the processes. Vote. Providing financial planning and assistance during the transition to war and throughout the conflict, including mobilization, redeployment, and demobilization. The action officer resolves any conflicts and presents a recommendation to the approving authority for decision. Countering enemy propaganda and misinformation. Coordinating with the G-6 to deconflict EW targets with frequencies and the joint restricted frequency list. Intelligence synchronization includes-, D-53. D-8. Staff section leaders supervise their personnel. Whether procedures are formal or informal, staff members carefully analyze and compare all feasible COAs, using the best information available. The support operations or materiel officer is the principal staff officer for coordinating logistics and combat health support. Humanitarian civil assistance and disaster relief. Planning and coordinating airspace use with the AVCOORD, ALO, FSCOORD, assistant G-3 (S-3) (air), and other airspace users. Other staff members prepare portions of plans and orders that address their fields of interest. Helping the company FSO adjust NGF, in the absence of a spotter. ), D-96. Following higher headquarters NETOPS policies and procedures for network interfaces. Evaluating the organizational structure, functions, and workload of military and civilian personnel to ensure their proper use and requirements (manpower utilization and requirements). Personnel readiness management includes-, D-41. Synchronizing intelligence support to operations and to ISR integration through close coordination with the commander, COS (XO), G-3 (S-3), and the other staff members. Helping the commander develop the unit METL and supporting individual tasks for each mission essential task. D-76. Here is an account of my time, perhaps you will see similarities and maybe even possible options. Developing the intelligence synchronization plan. Providing advice and recommendations to the commander and staff in matters pertaining to enlisted soldiers. Coordinating and directing terrain management. Collecting and processing demographic data concerning all aspects of EO climate assessment. Synchronizing ISR with the overall operation throughout the operations process (with the rest of the staff). Participating in targeting meetings and developing applicable targeting products. Targeting. Coordinating support locations and time schedules with the S-2, S-3, and supported units. Advising the command and coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) on public health issues involving military operations. Performing NBC vulnerability analyses and recommending IRs to the G-2 (S-2) through the G-3 (S-3). A G-2 (S-2) is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. D-121. Helping the G-2 (S-2) arrange indirect weather support, such as tactical unmanned aerial vehicles, for subordinate units. Coordinating weather support procedures (both for garrison and during deployments) before deployment with the supported Army command. Coordinating possible PSYOP effects with the G-5. D-101. In brigades and battalions, the S-4 both coordinates activities and executes requirements for the commander and unit. The veterinary officer is responsible for coordinating assets and activities concerning veterinary service within the command. Coordinating tactical air support missions with the FSCOORD and the appropriate A2C2 element. Identifying funding sources for operations; acquiring, reprogramming, controlling, and distributing funding authority to subordinate RMs and ordering officers. Helping the G-4 (S-4) coordinate facilities, supplies, and other materiel resources available from the civil sector to support operations. Surgeon. Providing input to the G-1/AG (S-1) on projected accident losses. Managing the panoramic X-ray identification program. Ensuring safety of food and food sources. These recommendations are for information and assistance only. Coordinating civilian claims against the US Government with the SJA. Under special conditions or missions, the commander may give the COS temporary command of a portion of the force. Provides the status of SPO tracked systems and materiel as required to update the BSB Logistics Report. Establishing procedures that enable the staff to maintain a timely flow of RI (with the staff). Reviewing and recommending joint force counterair ROE and procedures (with the SJA). Manage all logistical requests within the Brigade. AVCOORD responsibilities include-, D-106. Reviewing plans and orders for synchronization and completeness. Prepares, consolidate, and reviews administrative, personnel, and technical reports covering unit activities. The G-4 (S-4) has the following staff planning and supervisory responsibilities: D-70. Commanders may delegate authority to certain staff officers to issue plans and orders without their personal approval. Serve in a logistics officer position at DA staff, Joint staff, MACOM staff, Corps, Division, Group, Brigade, or Battalion; responsible for planning, developing and directing logistics operations to ensure integrating the functions of supply, transportation, maintenance, medical service administration and field services. Receiving, accounting, processing, and delivering personnel. The way we handle things in our BSB is that the S3 controls the gun trucks (since they can be tasked for other missions, the 3 really is the best person for this). Thanks for all the useful information about being a SPO, Israel. Determining workload requirements and assessing status of their organizations. The G-5 (S-5) is responsible for enhancing the relationship between Army forces and the civil authorities and people in the AO. Planning and supervising the following dental functions: Maintaining professional standards and levels of dental care and treatment. Determining requirements for veterinary supplies and equipment. Evaluating effectiveness of force-protection measures (with the G-7 [S-7], ENCOORD, and the CHEMO). Planning and coordinating environmental protection, critical areas, and protection levels. Headquarters Management. D-9. The chaplain is responsible for religious support operations. Directing the efforts of coordinating and special staff officers. Performs the duties of accountable officer when designated. The SPO was communicating between the maneuver Battalion XOs and the Support Battalion Commander. This section outlines the responsibilities and duties of the chief of staff (executive officer) and individual staff officers. Commanders at every echelon are authorized or appoint an EOA. Equal Opportunity Advisor. The assistant or deputy AVCOORD is a permanent position on the staff, representing the AVCOORD. Providing guidance for actions related to expediting the handling procedures for captured personnel, equipment, and documents. Briefing adversary and friendly EW vulnerabilities for each COA. Providing counsel to the family advocacy case review committee. Enforce safety practices. Staff Planning and Supervision. Manning. Coordinating support of dislocated civilian operations with the G-5. To succeed in this job, you must be organized. A transportation officer is authorized at corps (CTO) and divisions (DTO). We talk routes, timelines, SOUMs, and anything else that effects the BDE as a whole. Staffs require the minimum number of reports from subordinates consistent with the commander's need for information. D-71. G-3 (S-3) training responsibilities include-, D-59. We close it out (read file it away) once the LOGPAC has returned. Staff members visit subordinate units for several reasons. Acquiring DOD and commercial satellite terrain and weather imagery (classified and unclassified) to enhance mapping, mission analysis, and other actions requiring near real-time imagery from denied areas. Supporting the linguist requirements, to include contracting for, planning, and providing logistic support to contracted linguists. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The G-1/AG (S-1) also serves as the senior adjutant general officer in the command. Conducting inspections, surveys, and assessments, as the commander requires, and monitoring corrective actions. The responsibilities of a Transportation Lieutenant may include: Commanding and controlling Transportation operations and combined armed forces during land combat. Ensuring that special staff officers or sections have personnel, logistics, facilities, and proper support. Coordinating transportation assets for other Services. D-103. D-26. The ACOS, G-1/AG exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the SJA, when required. Now, as to the TACSOP: WRITE ONE!!! Managing intelligence requirements, to include-. D-5. Hospitalization support of sick, injured, or wounded soldiers. Action officers coordinate proposed COAs with staff sections the COA would affect. Some personal staff officers have responsibilities as special staff officers and work with a coordinating staff officer. Monitoring operations and maintaining current COP-related information. Maintaining a personnel information database. An AVCOORD is authorized at corps and divisions. Thats what the Soldiers care about. Providing AMD input to the airspace control plan. Consider all factors affecting the situation. Army airspace command and control (A2C2). Coordinating with the FSCOORD on protected targets. Providing indications and warnings support to operations. The aide-de-camp serves as a personal assistant to a general officer. Coordinating the use of medical laboratory services by veterinary personnel. Advising and assisting the commander and staff on all equal opportunity (EO) matters, including sexual harassment, discrimination, and affirmative action. Operating a civil-military operations center to maintain liaison with other US governmental agencies, HN civil and military authorities, and nongovernmental and international organizations in the AO. Establishing INFOSYS to develop the COP (with the staff). I have been serving as a SPO for about four months now. Evaluating and disseminating weather products and data, and making products and data available in a client/server fashion to other Army INFOSYS. Ensuring the staff integrates and coordinates its activities internally and with higher, subordinate, supporting, supported, and adjacent commands. D-120. The ALO-authorized at corps, divisions, and brigades-is the senior Air Force officer with each tactical air control party. If not, once they analyze the problem, they make a recommendation to the commander for decision. Supervising the nuclear and chemical accident and incident response assistance program. D-44. Secretary of the General Staff. Ive recently been assigned as a Material Management Officer in a Signal Brigade. Conducting inquiries per the commander's guidance. The TALO is a rated Air Force officer. One thing I would like to share from my experience with respect to your TACSOP. Logistic operations and plans (general) includes-, D-67. Transportation officers are our Armys deployment and distribution experts, effectively supporting expeditionary forces. Coordinating with the S-4 to track available CSS capabilities and assets. Helping the commander develop the unit's mission essential task list (METL). When equipped with tank racks/hippos can transport bulk water and bulk petroleum products. Although there are other members in the commander's personal staff, this section discusses only staff officers and the command sergeant major. This task includes-. Assisting the ground commander in planning and coordinating preplanned, immediate, and emergency theater and strategic airlift support of ground operations. Each attribute/competency is broke down by level of rater box check that . Developing the ISR plan (with rest of the staff). Physical security of critical assets, nodes, and sensitive materials. These tasks include-. D-127. An IG is authorized for general officers in command and selected installation commanders. Evaluating physical security vulnerabilities (to support the G-3 [S-3] and G-7 [S-7]). Army Logistics Quick Reference - (CAC) Enable, The Official Website of the United States Army Transportation Corps and Transportation School | Fort Lee, Virginia, 2022 United States Army | Transportation Corps, Deployment Process Modernization Office (DPMO), Transportation Management Training Department (TMTD), -Brigade Combat Team (Infantry, Armor, Stryker, Fires), -Division Transportation Officer (DTO) (KD), -Battalion Support Ops Officer (SPO) (KD), -White House Transportation Agency (WHTA). FSCs . Providing information services, including publications, printing, distribution, and Freedom of Information Act material. I am a BSB SPO for an MEB and have been for a little more than a year. Maintaining communications with subordinate unit NCOs and other enlisted soldiers, through the NCO support channel. Advising the commander on the effect of civilian populations on military operations. *Lieutenant positions are structured for modularity, depending on the mission can have ONE Squad or ALL. Internal (formerly command) information program. Conducting liaison with media representatives to provide accreditation, mess, billet, transport, and escort as authorized and appropriate. PSYOP officer responsibilities include-. Coordinating the EA target list with organic military intelligence units and with adjacent and higher commands, including joint and multinational commands when appropriate. I was put in the position while I was waiting for a Platoon Leader slot to open up within the Maintenance Company. The COS must understand the commander's intent at least as well as subordinate commanders. I am currently in 125th QM Co. and I have been assigned as a SPO since I got to this unit. You've added the maximum number of jobs to your list. Creating the company TACSOP will enable our unit to have solid SOPs, which then will make our drills go much smoother. D-99. The PAO is responsible for understanding and fulfilling the information needs of soldiers, the Army community, and the public. Preparing, maintaining, and updating IM estimates, plans, and orders (per the CIMP). Provides technical guidance and manages the logistical functions of supply, maintenance, transportation, food service, subsistence, energy program, potable water, laundry and dry-cleaning,. Sometimes staff members have the ability and authority to solve the problem without involving the commander. Minimizing civilian interference with operations. The staff member is responsible for planning and supervising this training. Coordinating with the higher headquarters EWO to deconflict IO on the communications spectrum. Take the next step to learn more about careers in the Army. Providing information on the status of fire support systems, target acquisition assets, and field artillery (and mortar) ammunition. Intelligence Synchronization. The MDO is a functional area 30 officer responsible for coordinating MD assets and operations. Performing nuclear target analysis (corps and above). Staff members routinely analyze factors influencing operations. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Maintaining a command historical research collection adequate to support the historical mission. IM includes RI and INFOSYS functions. The PM augments the staff with a small planning cell that typically works within the G-3. 12A Battalion Plans Officer D-81. Advising the commander and staff about individual, team, or crew replacements, and replacement-system operations. Collecting and maintaining records, such as, staff journals, plans and orders, and after-action reports. Administering civilian personnel management laws and regulations. PAO responsibilities include-, (AR 360-1 discusses PAO responsibilities and duties. Military support to civil defense and civic action projects. Military, Marine, Armed Forces. ), D-94. D-88. Movement scheduling and regulation of MSRs. Maintaining and reporting radiation exposure and dose status, and coordinating with surgeon. Accounting for military personnel individually. Advising on command health services and health matters concerning occupied or friendly territory within the AO. Operations and Plans. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. Planning and coordinating essential fire support tasks. Providing the commander with pastoral care, personal counseling, advice, and privileged communications. Corps, divisions, major support commands, and other organizations commanded by a general officer are authorized a COS. Other units (regiments, brigades, and battalions) are authorized an XO, who performs the duties of a COS. As supervisor of the staff, the COS (XO) is responsible for-, D-37. Coordinating for all logistic requirements relative to EPW and civilian internees, US military prisoners, and dislocated civilians (with the G-4). Dental Surgeon. Logistics officers are multifunctional and rely heavily on data analytics in order to provide timely, world-class logistics support . Trust me, this will stick with them much better and the TACSOP will be great because it is in writing and backs up what you told them. BSB S-3 Directing and supervising staff planning. Develops task organization in coordination with the BSB. Collecting and analyzing operational data for on-the-spot adjustments in the medical support structure and for postwar combat and material-development studies. Effective staff writing conveys the writer's exact meaning and cannot be misinterpreted. They candidly and objectively present alternatives, clearly explaining advantages and disadvantages of each. The information management coordinator (IMCOORD), assisted by the RI and information systems (INFOSYS) officers, has overall responsibility for compiling RI developed by all staff sections. Serves as a Support Operations (SPO) Plans Officer for a Brigade Support Battalion (BSB); overall responsibilities include but are not limited to executing current and future operations, conducting mission analysis, planning, and overall mission support to the 56th Infantry Brigade Combat Team; maintains a deep working knowledge of the Support Operations cell capabilities, facilities and requirements to provide support to the brigade; reinforces and enhances the brigade staff understanding of the BSB Support Operations cell capabilities. Performing nuclear target analysis ( corps and above ) determine current capabilities and assets rely on! The problem without involving the commander for decision management officer in the medical structure. 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